Fueled Obsession 5 Read online

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  It was still a challenge driving in all this equipment and I missed feeling the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. He skidded past me on the inside and gave me a chin jut. I ignored him, but I’d slipped back into third and then fourth as Randall blew around me, too. Dixie was on the radio and swore in my ear.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Fitz? Focus! It’s probably going to take two laps to get back in the lead. Now, listen to me!” Dixie stopped swearing and calmly gave me specific directions. “Colton is going to ease back at the curve. He can’t handle the speed on the inside. Watch him, and when he does, you take his place. You ready?”


  “All right, here we go… three, two, one…now!”

  I slung the car ahead and to the left, pushing Colton back off his racing line and felt the rush of adrenaline as I accelerated out of the turn. “Sorry kid!” I laughed. God, it felt good to race! There was no other feeling like it in the world.

  “Shut up and listen, Jack. You’ve still got the jackass in front of you and you only have five more laps to go. Just ride it out for the next two, then we will make a move. Okay?”

  “Yeah!” I maintained my speed and kept my spot. The ass end of Randall’s Mustang swung side-to-side, daring me to take the lead. “Mother fucker!”

  “Keep cool. After the turn, he’s going to be wide. As soon as he starts to drift, you get in there—he’ll move. Here we go, long stretch…now it’s the curve, there he goes—he’s starting to drift! Go! Now!”

  “Fuck!” My heart raced and my hands gripped the wheel. I didn’t think I could get into the gap he’d left—it was too narrow. “Fuck me, Dix! Can’t do it!”

  I heard her swear softly under her breath, but she collected her composure again. “It’s okay, we’ve got a few more turns, but you have to do it. Trust me, Jack. You have to trust me. I’m seeing everything you are seeing. I’m right there with you. You have to trust me!”

  “Okay, this time. I’m going for it this time! Give me the countdown when we go back around!”

  “All right, just a few more feet. Now, here’s the long stretch…now the curve…now here we go! Go, Fitz! Now!” I floored it and moved my hand to the left side of the wheel to pull the car to the inside while he was drifting wide, and I passed Randall!

  “Yeah!” I screamed into my microphone.

  “Stay focused, Fitz! One more lap. Don’t give them an inch. Ready? Here we go, long stretch coming up.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s do it!” I said, as I screamed down the back straight at full throttle.

  “Here comes the turn, long stretch…there’s the flag.”

  “I’m on it!” I drove the car into the curve and it handled like it was on rails, my fingers sensing every bit of feedback from the steering and the brakes. It felt like they were a part of me—I was totally in the zone. A quick glance in the mirror and I knew I was home free as I floored it down the final straight-away and over the line.

  Dixie’s voice came loud and clear in my earpiece. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! We won! You fucking won, Fitz!”

  The crowd chanted, “Fitz! Fitz! Fitz!” and I saw my name in lights flash all over the stadium. I fist-pumped the air and I couldn’t stop yelling inside my helmet as I throttled back and cruised past the crowds! The other cars eased off the track and as I came around again, I slowed down to accept the Redemption Road victory flag from the official, then I held it high and rode around the track one more time. I stopped my car in front of my VIP box and I saw Mollie jumping up and down as she held Natalie and Angelina’s hands high in the air. I smiled and waved at her, then the race official came to give me the result. I’d won. I’d fucking won! I knew it anyway, but it was nice to hear it from the official and I shook his hand and thanked him.

  As soon as he’d walked away, the camera crew moved in closer, along with an interviewer—the same young woman who’d talked to me before the first race.

  “Congratulations, Jack!” The fans quieted down when her voice came over the loud speaker, and I was humbled by the whole thing. Just a few months ago, not too many people cared if I lived or died. Now a whole stadium screamed my name.

  “Thanks, Heidi. It’s been quite an experience.” My heart was beating out of my chest, my stomach was in knots and I just wanted to get it out.

  “I bet. Tell me what you thought about today’s race.”

  “Well, it was tough. Obviously, all the Redemption Road drivers are excellent at what they do. I had an excellent coach, so a big thanks to Dixie Trammel and the whole crew for everything they’ve done!” The crowd went wild when they heard me mention Giant Trammel’s daughter. She deserved the praise, though—she was one hell of a coach.

  “Randall took the first win, now you have this one. Who do you think will win the next round? You’ve got two weeks to practice.”

  “You know, Heidi, it’s really anyone’s guess. All I can say is that I came out here and gave it my best shot. I know all these guys did, too, so I guess only time will tell who’ll be the winner of Redemption Road.” The crowd went wild again and I looked around and waved at them all. I sensed the interview would end soon, but I had one more thing to say.

  “Um, Heidi?”

  “Yes, Jack?”

  “In our first interview, you asked me if there was a special someone that inspired me to come here.”

  Heidi smiled and said, “Yes, I remember that. Is she here tonight?”

  “Yes, and I have something to say to her.” There was a hush that came over the audience and you could have heard a pin drop—no joke. The TV monitor at the center of the track showed everywhere the camera went and it was no longer on me, but focused on the beautiful blonde who wore my black jacket and blue jeans.

  “Mollie, it’s only because of you that I’m here.” Oh fuck, please don’t let me cry. “I love you—I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you.” I took a deep breath. Fuckity fuck. I can do this. “Mollie DuBois, will you…will you marry me?” Mollie’s hands flew to her mouth and I didn’t know what she was going to do—scream, cry or run away. I saw tears streaming down her cheeks, then she smiled and said, “Yes!” The crowd roared, jumped up on their feet and all I could hear was them stomping the benches, whistling and yelling. I left Heidi with the microphone and ran toward the box door, but Mollie had already made her way down and onto the track. She ran all the way until she got about ten feet from me. She stopped and smiled at me, then I smiled at her and we met in the middle. I held her hands and looked down at her beautiful, heart-shaped face.

  “What did you say? I couldn’t quite hear you.” The noise was incredible now, even louder than after my victory.

  “I said yes!”She sobbed. “Yes! I will marry you.”

  “That’s what I hoped you’d say.” I kissed her and when the kiss was over, the crowd eased on to the track and surrounded us. I lost count of all the hands I shook, but she stayed with me the whole time and by the time the security team made it to us, the crowd had dispersed and it was much easier to leave the field. I held her hand tightly and led Mollie away from the crowd. When we got back to the pit, Dixie greeted and hugged us both, crying and yelling. I was pretty sure those tears were for the win, not the marriage proposal, and to my surprise, Sylvia was there as well. That never normally happened, but maybe she only visited the winner after a race. I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want Mollie to hear her chew my ass, so I asked her if she wouldn’t mind waiting with Dixie.

  “Hey, Sylvia. Good to see you.”

  “You know what you’ve done with this stunt don’t you?” As always, her flat tone made it impossible to predict what would come next, so I played it safe and shook my head.

  “It’s put us on the lead of every sports channel in the nation! And congratulations, by the way! Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  “Thanks, Sylvia. Sure, I’d love to.”

  “So, you’re Mollie DuBois. It’s nice to meet you, young lady. I’ve heard good things about
you from Mr. Jernigan. Any ideas on when you’ll get married? Any wedding plans I should know about?”

  Mollie laughed nervously and said, “No, he blew me away. I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

  Sylvia smiled devilishly and asked, “What do you think about a race track wedding?”

  “Well, that’s an option, I suppose.” Mollie looked at me like, “Please help me.” I raised my hands as if to say, “You’re on your own.”

  I had a feeling Sylvia was going to be in our lives for a long time, so I figured Mollie might as well get used to her. She was just another member of our unusual family. Soon, they were all in the pits with us, shaking our hands and hugging us. Even Natalie found it in her heart to hug me. She whispered to me, “Be good to her or I will hurt you.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  Angelina didn’t want to leave my side and we talked for a long while about random things, getting to know each other after all this time, and I promised her that we’d talk more the next day.

  Finally, when the lights were out and the crowds were long gone, Mollie and I walked out into the clear, dark night. The stars overhead shone brilliantly and I counted them all.

  Every lucky one.

  — The End —

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  — Check out my new series, Destiny Undone —

  Hot Fun At Destiny Beach! - New Adult Romance

  Pepper Anderson has a reputation that precedes her—and thanks to a little alcohol, her late-night antics and the never-ending attention of the paparazzi, she’s always front page news.

  Her ‘friend with benefits’, Jonathan Church, is confident, commanding, and hotter than hell! When they're together, they’re spontaneous, careless and passionately reckless. He’s also Destiny Beach’s richest playboy and he wants Pepper all to himself.

  To stay out of jail for her latest shenanigans, and to get back in Daddy’s good graces, Pepper takes on a job as an intern at Sea Lab—a sea life theme park with stinky, smelly fish—where she meets Gabriel Gregory, her new boss.

  The mere sight of him takes her breath away, and his deep, sexy voice makes her knees weak. Gabe is at the top of his professional game. He’s smart, quiet and keeps his distance from the limelight of Destiny Beach's rich and famous.

  Pepper wants him. Gabe wants her as well—or so he thinks—until their first date and he ends up in the middle of Peppers chaotic life. He can't deny the feelings he has for her, but will he be able to stay in control? Will Jonathan Church let her go?

  FREE BOOK - Don’t forget to check out my other series, Oceans Apart, featuring Tristan and Ginny. He’s in London, she’s in LA but love can’t keep them apart. Get the first book free right now in most online stores.

  Oceans Apart 1

  ...and Southern Heat featuring Tommy, a hot, hunky cop and his girl, Annie from the Deep South, together with her sassy BFF Marti and her Latino lover, Nick. The first book is also free on Amazon.

  Southern Heat 1


  I’d like to thank my lovely readers again for your support. Y’all rock! Without you, there would be no reason for me to keep writing these books. You’re all wonderful and I so appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

  I also want to thank my incredible Facebook fans, newsletter subscribers, beta readers and advance copy reviewers. I so appreciate all your help in making this story a success.

  I also want to thank my PA, Chris. Without her taking care of things, I’d never get much writing done and also big thanks to my editor, Cindy and cover designer, Barb who somehow make my words and ideas sparkle.

  About The Author

  Amanda Heartley is a writer of sinfully sexy romance books. She was born and raised in Oklahoma and subsequently transplanted into the hustle and bustle of Southern California. She's a country girl at heart with an insatiable weakness for sexy men and feisty women. Her first erotic series was published in July 2013.

  At home, she plays Mom, chef, ninja, taxi, and nurse hanging out with her four wonderful children and three loveable mutts. You can find her drinking a green smoothie, relaxing in the back yard, writing another steamy story.

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  Hugs! XOXO


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Amanda Heartley

  Published By: Heartley Publishing

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