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Saddled On The Cowboy Page 19
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Page 19
Annie shivered, suddenly cold in the brisk morning air. “They can’t get in though, right?”
He smiled reassuringly at her. “No, ma’am, uh… Annie. They didn’t get in last night. They won’t get in tonight. Just keep all your doors locked, and you’ll be all right.” He waved toward the fence. “But you ought to see about getting that fence repaired. They’ll keep scratching at your door until you do.”
Annie nodded. She’d have to go into town to see if she could find someone who could fix it for her. Her grandfather had always insisted she shouldn’t be working on the ranch; he’d wanted her to become a famous actress almost as much as she had. So, with her limited knowledge of what to do with the fence, she wasn’t even going to try to fix it herself.
Tommy walked quietly with her, back toward the house. He had the most amazing body she had ever seen. Especially from the back side. He could crack a walnut with that ass. Annie glanced at him, feeling herself flush, her nipples hard in the cool morning air. She quickly crossed her arms again. He caught her looking, and raised an eyebrow.
“You fixin’ to ask me something?” he asked.
She blushed. “Sorry, I just can’t get over how much you’ve changed. You’ve grown up so much. A policeman…oh, wait… not a policeman, a sheriff, and you’re just so freakin’… manly. Way too sexy for these parts!” The words were out of her mouth before she realized it, and then she looked away, blushing even harder.
Shit! Did I say that?
He looked at her, his lopsided grin returning. He spread his arms wide, bowing slightly for her. “I’m glad you approve, m’ lady.”
Annie giggled. “Damn straight I do.”
They made it back to the porch. Annie pulled her long hair out of the way, smiling at Tommy. He stood, staring at her. His eyes appeared a little glossed over, mesmerized by her. Suddenly, he leaned in to give her an awkward hug. “Glad you’re all right, ma’am.”
Annie hugged him back, her boobs brushing in tight against his ripped chest. Her nipples pushed hard against the fabric of her pajamas. She blushed, folding her arms across her chest again, hiding what was there.
He headed down the steps and glanced back at her, swallowing hard. “Hey, Annie?”
“Maybe we could catch up sometime. You know, go in to town or something?” He stumbled over his words, and suddenly Annie had no difficulty seeing young Tommy.
She smiled. “Sure, that would be nice.”
He gulped. “Yeah? You mean…like a date?”
Realization hit her, and she blushed again. She felt her voice go all girly. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
He blinked for a moment, as though not sure he understood her, and then his smile lit up his whole face. “Great.” He shifted a little in his jacket, glancing back at her. “How about Friday night? I’ll come ‘round about seven?”
Annie pulled her arms tight against herself, tingling with anticipation. She had to push away the naughty thoughts of how the evening might go, making the rest of her body quiver. She would love to spend an evening with Tommy Donovan. She nodded, clearing her throat. At last, she found words. “That’d be great.”
He beamed and stumbled a little as he backed off the porch. Finally, he broke her gaze, turning back to his car. He stopped there and waved as he got in. Annie stayed in the doorway, watching him drive off. Her extremely lonely life might just have taken a very nice turn.
Chapter 6
When Annie told Marti about the coyotes, Marti laughed and told her she would grab one of the ranch hands and tell him to fix the fence for her. Annie wasn’t comfortable talking to the help. She didn’t have a clue what they were talking about most of the time. She was relieved when Marti took over. Marti was still sleeping over, but that couldn’t last forever. Marti had a life to live.
She met Marti in town after school got out, and Marti led her through the shops to buy the supplies they needed. As they shopped, Annie told Marti about Tommy asking her out.
“Wait,” Marti said, pausing in the aisle. “Seriously? You mean he asked… just like that?”
Annie was already blushing again as old Tim turned to stack up their purchases on the feed and grain store’s counter. She picked at the peeling linoleum top, darting glances at Marti. “Yeah, he did. I mean, I might have called him sexy...”
Marti’s mouth opened even wider. “You did what? Wait, seriously? You just told him ‘hey sexy guy’? I can’t believe you said that. What are ya, crazy?”
Annie giggled then glanced back, her eyes bright. “Why not? He is sexy. I wasn’t lying. See how well it turned out? Maybe you should try it next time a hot, sexy guy rolls through town.”
She laughed, but was surprised when Marti blushed a little. Marti wasn’t really the blushing type. “What?” Annie asked, intrigued. “You have someone you are keeping a secret?”
Marti cleared her throat, looking away. “Come on,” she said, her voice slowly returning to its familiar clipped tone, “You know the only guy in town I’m interested in is old Tim here.”
Old Tim’s head snapped up in surprise and he backed away a little, as though threatened. Marti and Annie laughed, and he seemed to realize it was a joke, chuckling as well.
“There you are, ladies,” he said, pushing their purchases toward them. “Hope ya’ll have a good day.”
Annie and Marti thanked him and headed out into the bright sunlight, laughing. They continued on, forgetting the conversation from before, but Annie couldn’t help but wonder just who could make Marti blush like that. He must be quite the man.
Chapter 7
Tommy was fifteen minutes early, and Annie rushed to finish getting ready while he stood nervously in the doorway. He had brought her flowers, which made her blush even more. She couldn’t remember the last time a guy had bothered to bring her flowers. Especially one as handsome as Tommy, with his piercing dark eyes. His broad shoulders stretched under a black tailored button-down shirt, and his faded jeans hugged his long legs and tight ass in all the right places.
At last, she was ready. She felt amazing in her pink silk blouse, dark jeans and stilettos. What felt even more amazing was him standing next to her, towering over her, even when she wore her stilettos.
Tommy held the door for her as she slipped into his car. She brushed against him so he would smell her sweet perfume. She sensed that he wanted to reach out and grab her, but thought twice about it. It was only their first date after all.
He drove her to the only fancy restaurant in town, a Creole and sushi place she had wanted to try since the first time she spotted it. Inside, Tommy waved hello to the waitress, and they sat down in a dark little corner booth.
Annie studied the menu, her heart racing a little as she tried to think of things to talk about. They’d managed a little small talk in the car, and Tommy had said he was glad to find out Marti and the ranch hands were helping her with her fence. Annie though that he would have offered his help on the day of the broken fence but he’d seemed so flustered, he obviously thought he had better not.
Yet, now they sat awkwardly, and Annie felt a little silly. This wasn’t anything like dating in the city. Back there, she didn’t know anything about the guy, so it was easy to come up with small talk. This time, she was out with Tommy. She knew Tommy. She could remember his dad polishing the counter at the bar, leaning over to scowl at her and Marti when they came in asking for peanuts or to find Marti’s dad.
Finally, she cleared her throat. “So… you’re sheriff now? Why did you want to become a sheriff? Seems like a pretty stressful job to me.”
“Stress? Not really. Only when beautiful ladies get terrified of wild animals looking for food.” They laughed and the nervousness subsided. “No, actually, I did two tours in Iraq and when I got back, I went straight to the academy in Savannah. Been a policeman ever since. That old badger Vernon finally passed about a year back.” His eyes twinkled when he talked and it made her heart race. “And since I was the most
senior officer, everyone just assumed I would pick it up.” He shrugged. “I guess it made sense. No one else even ran for the office, so I got the position by default.”
Annie nodded. “That’s kind of amazing. I mean, you’re really a young Sheriff.”
He shrugged. “I know. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I like it.” He looked back down to toy with his menu for a minute. “I guess I just wanted to be worthy of you when you came back.”
Annie blinked, surprised. Of course, she had known Tommy had liked her. Everyone in town had known. But Tommy had been so awkward back then, with his head always tucked in a book, his body tucked into a corner. The kids were always so mean to him, especially her and Marti. She hadn’t thought the grown up Tommy Donovan would have the same feelings.
His eyes rose to meet hers as the silence stretched on, and Annie looked down. “Thanks.” She looked back up to smile at him. “You know, you were always a pretty cool kid. I was just too much of a jerk back then to know it.”
He smiled, though he didn’t look like he believed her. “Nah, don’t worry about it, I was kind of a loser. That’s all changed now.”
Annie felt a blush sting across her cheeks, and her eyes met his. His smile was still mischievous. “You know, Annie, I saw everything you were in. Even the silly vacuum commercial.”
Annie was startled. “What? You saw me? Oh my gosh! That crap was ridiculous. It was just something to help pay the bills.”
He shrugged. “It was nice to see you, though. I liked thinking that you were famous.”
She grinned. “Well, that was the plan, wasn’t it?”
Tommy winked. “Maybe there’s a divine reason that plan didn’t work out?”
The waitress stepped up to take their order, and Tommy ordered for the both of them. As they waited, they talked about Iraq, L.A., Grandpa Graham, elementary school and growing up in a small town. This was Tommy. With him, she could be completely comfortable and just be herself.
When they were ready to leave, Tommy stood and held out his arm for her. She wanted to grab and devour him right there, but gracefully placed her hand in the crook of his arm and walked out to the car. Tommy was truly a gentleman and, feeling a little light-headed from the wine, she clung to his arm a little bit more than she needed to as he helped her into the car and drove home.
He had promised her he would show her his house, and he pulled into the drive of a big antiquated manor with the most beautiful garden she had ever seen. The grass was cut perfectly and flowers of every color lined the yard. Columns surrounded the massive double doors and the house was immaculate on the outside. It definitely rivaled the ranch house.
“Th-this is your house?” she asked, astonished that a single man would have this much house. Her eyes widened.
“Yeah, my daddy gave it to me when he and my mama moved to Mississippi. It’s a big house, lots of work, but I love it!” He helped her out of the car, and they walked together up the drive to the house. Annie breathed deeply, taking in the beauty of it all. She was in awe of this man and his living arrangements. For a minute he played with his keys, and then he looked over at her nervously.
“You sure you want to come in?”
She smiled at him, blushing. Hell, yeah! I’m going in! “I’ve been hoping for it all night.”
He looked into her eyes, stepping just a little closer. He stood tall above her and she could smell his cologne, a light musky scent. Her heart beat almost as fast as the cicadas outside. He leaned over, sliding his hand around the back of her neck, pressing his lips to hers. Her whole body tingled, her senses awakening as she moved closer against him, pushing into his kiss. His tongue slowly slid along her bottom lip, over into her mouth and she moaned against him.
She gripped the front of his shirt tightly in her fist as he gently moved his hands to cup her face. “Annie, you are so beautiful. Let’s go inside,” he whispered through the gentle kisses caressing her face.
Chapter 8
The minute Tommy closed the door behind them, they were tangled up in each other. His big hands reaching for her waist, he pulled her toward him and she arched her back a little, enjoying the feeling of his slightly calloused hands on her skin. Her hands traced over his chest and upper arms, feeling the rippled muscles beneath the silk of his shirt. Their eyes met, and little shivers ran up Annie’s spine as his dark eyes seemed to be looking through to her soul.
“This is okay, right? I don’t want to do something you don’t want to do.” His breathing came in gasps, and she could feel his hardness through his jeans.
She pressed her hips against him, her own breath gasping. “God, yes!”
His lopsided smile spread across his face, and he leaned down and placed his arm behind her knees and lifted her up. He kissed her forehead and carried her to the bedroom. She laid her head on his chest, inhaling the scent of him. Her body quivered. It felt good to be in his arms, smelling him, touching him, feeling him. She hadn’t felt like this in ages and was ecstatic to be with him.
He gently placed her across the bed and kneeled down between her legs. His breath came faster and faster as he fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, tilting his head to kiss her tummy as each button was released.
Her blouse fell open as he undid the last button. His hands moved over her breasts, his fingers massaging the smooth mounds under her lacy bra. Her nipples stiffened to hard little nubs beneath his fingertips. She shivered, pressing her breasts against his hands. His mouth kissed its way in slow sensuous movements down her tummy to the soft skin just above the button on her jeans. As he took in her intoxicating smell, he unfastened her jeans, slowly lowering the zipper, kissing every inch of her as he slid them down her legs.
Electricity ran through her veins with his every touch. She was on fire for this man.
He looked at her partially naked body, inhaling her sensuality with every breath. She was beautiful. Her long brown hair framed her face, her red lips curved in a perfect pout, the specks in her bright blue eyes twinkled, and her breathing was heavy, as she looked at him, waiting, wanting.
She lay on the bed in her white lace bra; her breasts perfectly filling the demi-cups. Her panties barely covered her mound. Her wetness had seeped through, and her body trembled at the thought of his tongue on the rest of her body. As he took in the sight of her, the girl he adored since childhood, he nervously asked, “Are you sure, Annie?”
She nodded, her eyes hooded underneath the lids and her breathing heavy as he stood up. She watched him remove his shirt and jeans, his huge manhood cupped by the thin fabric of his boxers.
Her body ached, ready to be taken by this gorgeous man. She watched him, taking in his every move as he tossed his clothes aside and knelt on the floor, right between her legs. His hands caressed her thighs, moving up to her hips and then her back, tilting her up to unhook her bra. Her perky breasts bounced as they were set free from their lacy confines.
He caressed each one with his hands, rolling her nipples ever so gently. They pebbled at his touch and Annie could feel her sex tingling and begging for release as his hands slid in seductive circles over her chest, running the backs of his fingers over her nipples.
Tommy looked up, smiling; she was as perfect as he had imagined. “God, you’re beautiful, Annie.”
She squirmed as he slid his fingers inside the lace and lowered her panties. His face moved to the sweet spot, right between her thighs. He kissed her silky flesh and gently spread her legs further apart, his finger delicately slipping between her moist labia, his thumb brushing up against her swollen clit. Annie inhaled sharply as she tried to control her lust. But her body had other plans.
He spread her pink lips as he slipped his finger inside and felt her heat. He moved his mouth to her pussy, trembling. His tongue gently lapped her clitoris and she sighed with pleasure. He placed his thumb right above the little pearl and gently massaged, working his tongue inside her.
Tommy was in heaven. She was so soft and sweet, and he could
n’t get enough of her. His heart beat wildly in his chest. His manhood ached between his legs, his pre-cum pooled on the tip of his cock. He needed to slow down. He had to make this last.
Annie never expected all this. Tommy knew where all her hot spots were. He had definitely done this before.
His tongue moved down to her ass, tickling the tight entrance, bringing her back to reality. She flinched! No one had ever touched her there before, it was all wet and slick from her juices, but who did he think he was? That was a bold move for the first time!
“Shhh, I won’t hurt you, beautiful lady, just enjoying the taste of all of you,” he said in his sexy southern drawl as his tongue licked up to find her swollen clit. She trembled in his hands, the passion building up inside her.
“Tommy,” she panted. ”I can’t wait any longer, Tommy, please.”
He let out a moan as his fingers moved in and out of her pussy while his tongue was circling her clit, circling, sucking, circling, sucking. His soft lips grazed her labia, sending shivers up her spine. He was finally going to have her. The girl of his dreams. And not just tonight. He was going make her fall in love with him every time she saw him.
With a loud groan, Annie grabbed his hair with both hands and her legs wrapped forcefully around his head as her body exploded into the throes of orgasm. She bucked and crushed her pussy onto his face, his tongue swirling over her throbbing clitoris, his huge finger pushing and pulling inside her as she came long and hard. “Tommy, oh God! Tommy, shit! Tommy!” The waves of orgasm crashed through her whole body as he sucked her throbbing sex with a passion and fervor only a man in love could possess.
When her hands finally loosened his hair, he rose up and positioned himself over her; Annie reached her hand down to touch her wet pussy. She tingled. Her lips were soft and squishy in her hand, her clitoris engorged. She smiled at him and licked her lips as she moved to stroke his shaft. He reached over and grabbed a foil packet, ripping it with his teeth, and quickly rolled the condom down onto his thick length, just before he slid the head inside her.