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Saddled On The Cowboy Page 17
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Page 17
“What is all this?” he said, apparently shocked that an aspiring actress could afford all this. “A private restaurant with a maître’d?”
“It’s your birthday, Vic, and I just wanted to make it memorable.”
“Oh, you are, Annabelle. You are,” he said, though he looked at her suspiciously.
They ordered their entrée and some champagne then Annie spoke first. “Vic, can I tell you something?” she said, nervously biting her lip.
“Sure, what is it?”
“After the last time we met… you know, in your office, I know I was kind of flustered and I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have reacted that way and even if I didn’t get the part, I truly believe you tried hard for me, and I appreciate that.”
He nodded. “Apology accepted.”
She knew she had him off guard now and wondered what he’d say if he knew what Marissa—another actress who auditioned for him—had told her? She’d confided in Annie how he’d leaned her over the desk and fucked her until she couldn’t walk straight. And then there was Jenny, who admitted she’d sucked his cock until she gagged. Neither one of those girls got the part, either. He must be thinking, poor, stupid Annie, for taking him to such an exquisite place when he didn’t give a fuck about her. She laughed to herself.
They ate, drank champagne, laughed and chatted about movies, and gossiped about actors. He talked about the amazing part in a blockbuster movie he’d try to set up for her. He was gracious and cordial, but Annie knew it was all an act. But she was acting as well. She was playing the most important part of her career and as soon as the waiter had cleared their plates, she stood up, licking her lips and winked alluringly at him. “You ready for dessert?”
Seducing him with her bright blue eyes, she added, “Follow me.”
“Wha - where are we going?”
“It’s a little birthday surprise. Trust me, you’ll love it,” she teased.
Smiling, she grabbed his hand and walked him to a door in the back of the tiny restaurant. Opening the door, she pulled him in. He looked around, confused, but also curious. The room was dark, candles were glowing, and there were lotions, oils and red velvet walls.
Turning to shut the door behind them, she grabbed him, her mouth crushing against his. She broke the kiss and breathed against his lips, “After I had you Vic, I knew I had to have more.” She ran her hands down his back, feeling and squeezing his hard ass before bringing her hand to the front of his pants to tease his cock.
“What is this place? Where are we?”
“A place I’ve wanted to bring you since the first time I laid eyes on you,” she replied. She pushed him gently toward the wall, removing his coat and unbuttoning his shirt. Sliding it over his shoulders, she nipped at the hardness of his chest. He stepped back as she kicked off her shoes and knelt down, fumbling with his pants. She unzipped them and his hard cock sprang out. She greedily covered it with her mouth, her tongue gently lapping at the mushroom tip.
“Ahhhh......Annabelle, that feels good.”
Looking up at him, she licked circles around the bulbous head and smiled, their eyes met through a haze of desire.
“I told you that you would love your birthday present,” she grinned.
She giggled and rose, removing the rest of his clothing to run her hands down his taut tummy, admiring the soft curls on his chest. She leaned into him, her tongue gently invading his mouth, her breathing increasing with his.
She raised his hand above her and quickly closed a velvet cuff over his wrist. “Hey, what—”
“Don’t worry, birthday boy… I’m about to give you a night you will…
Her hand massaged his cock, until she felt him tremble then she enclosed his other wrist in another velvety cuff.
“Trust me.”
“Annabelle, what are you doing?”
“Mmmmm......you like it? It feels so much better when you lose control.” She traced her tongue across his chest, stopping to circle his nipples before leaving a trail of kisses down to his cock.
Kneeling, she once again took his cock into her mouth, stroking his shaft with her hand while she sucked and licked the head. Stroking, sucking, and licking… Annie reveled in the control she held over him. When he started thrusting his hips Annie eased up and quickly grabbed a cuff and fastened it to his left leg.
“Hold on big boy,” she teased. “Wait till I have you in my grasp and you’ll have the most amazing, mind blowing orgasm you’ve ever felt.” She fastened his right leg inside the last velvet cuff.
“Wha—what are you doing Annie?” He laughed nervously. She stood up and looked at him, beaming. He was naked, his cock was hard and he was tied to the wall. She realized he was truly a gorgeous man. She lifted her dress and showed him a peek of her garter and panties.
“A little peek at what’s in store,” she whispered. She ran her fingernail over his chest and down to his cock. He shivered.
Picking up a bottle of strawberry scented lotion, she smoothed it all over his cock. Deliberately, she looked him in the eyes and licked the edible lotion from her fingers, watching his pupils dilate as the cream disappeared into her mouth.
“Your turn,” she whispered and slid her finger between his lips. He sucked, taking her entire finger into his mouth, his tongue whirling sensually against her skin.
Easing her finger out again, she trailed it down his chin, neck, and chest. Lower, following his happy trail, leading her to the prize.
His cock jumped in her hand as she fisted him, now slick and well lubricated from the yummy lotion. She pumped, three times… hard, watching his face skew into a mix of pleasure and pain.
“Do you like that?” Her question didn’t need an answer but she waited none the less.
“Do you like that?” Louder, taking control, forcing him to answer.
“Yes,” he mumbled, “Do it again.”
“Do this?” She pumped three times more, fist tight and fast, stroking him from the base to the tip.
“Yes.” The one word was gritted out between his teeth. She could tell he was still fighting for control. She knelt, and with one swift movement licked him slowly from his sac up his entire length to his delicious tip.
He groaned as she took him inside her mouth, going down until he was deep in her throat. He tasted of strawberries, deliciously sweet and his moans were music to her ears.
She began to pump him, her hand, her mouth—the whole combination of the slick lube drove him crazy. Her tongue followed her hands, up and down his thick shaft, the veins of his beautiful cock standing out vividly.
“Oh, God, Annie—” he groaned, and she knew he was close to exploding.
“Show time,” she exclaimed, standing quickly as all hell broke loose in the room. Lights flashed, doors opened and her hand pumped his cock hard, as Vic struggled and cursed… to no avail. He came, spectacularly, his seed shooting through the air and onto the floor. Bruce was in the corner, video camera in hand, while Sara stood at the door, holding it open for the women Vic had used. Jennie and Melissa walked in first, but they weren’t the only ones. One after another, the women he had abused walked in single file, cell phones and cameras in hand, snapping pictures of the world famous Vicktor Rossen, tied up in handcuffs, fully exposed to the world. Vic tried to hang his head, cover his face but it was no use. He was caught. His years of womanizing were here to haunt him. The ghosts of aspiring actresses alive and well in the room.
He was ruined.
His game was over.
And he knew it.
Annie grabbed her purse, ready to leave now that she’d demolished and humiliated him so publicly, but before she took off, she had one last line to deliver. She leaned down into his face and hissed, “Never underestimate the power of a woman—we’re not as stupid as you think.”
For a moment, Vic was speechless. Then her phone rang and out of habit she answer
ed it. She recognized the voice immediately. It was her best friend, Marti, in Mountain View, Georgia.
“Honey,” she said, sadness leaking through the phone. “I hate to tell you this, but your grandpa isn’t going to make it. He took a turn for the worse and looks like he’s only got a few hours to live. You’ve gotta get your pretty ass on a plane tonight if you want to say goodbye to him.”
The news knocked the breath out of Annie. Oh God, no! Please, grandpa, don’t leave me. Don’t do this to me. She wasn’t sure if those words were in her head or coming out of her mouth. She saw Vic motioning with his head for her to come close. He probably had a curse for her, but she didn’t care. She leaned in to hear what the asshole was saying.
“Annie,” he pleaded. “Please get me out of this. Destroy those photos. I promise if you do that for me, I’ll call the director right now. You can dial his number from your phone. Just hold it up to my ear. You’ll hear me arrange it. One word from me and you’ll be on the plane to Hawaii in the morning. You know what that will do for your career. Please. Let me make it up to you.”
Annie saw the desperation in his face. She knew this time it was no empty promise. This was what she’d been waiting for. One word from her and this party was over. She had the power to save Vic from himself. She had a plane to catch. Would it be to Hawaii or Georgia?
Southern Heat - Book 2
Amanda Heartley
© 2017 Cheeky Books Ltd
Chapter 1
Annie sat down at the large oak table, trying not to think of all the memories that being home brought up. It didn’t matter that her grandfather had been old—it still hurt to know she was alone in the world now. Losing her parents in an accident when she was a little girl was bad enough. Her grandpa had been all she had. Now he was gone, too. Damn! Why didn’t he tell her he was so sick? Or that he needed her?
She looked up and smiled as her best friend Marti walked into the room, carrying two oversized glasses of sweet tea. Marti hadn’t changed at all in the eight years that Annie had been away in L.A. Her long red hair was still piled on top of her head in the Georgia heat and her big green eyes were as bright as ever, even through the tears. And of course, she always had a perpetual smile on her face. Time had been kind to Marti—her large breasts and round hips drew the attention of everyone who saw her.
Marti set the glasses down on the table. “I’m gonna miss that old coot.” She slid one glass over to Annie, who took a long drink, gratefully.
The humidity was beginning to get to Annie already, and she’d only been back in Georgia for a week. Marti looked sideways at her, a sly smile on her face. “Remember when he used to fuss at us for sneaking out? He was hilarious!” She lowered her voice. “‘Damn you, girls, I’m fixin’ to whoop your asses!’” They laughed. “Oh! Grandpa, we miss you already!”
Annie giggled, despite herself. Her grandfather hadn’t exactly had an easy time, raising her all by himself. “Or when we tried to explain to him who the Barenaked Ladies were.”
Marti laughed. “He simply couldn’t wrap his mind around it. ‘Bare Naked what?’ he’d say, fussin’ that we’d be better off listening to his old fogey bands.”
They both laughed, but it didn’t take long for Annie to come back to reality. She really was going to miss him. And the money? Where did that come from? Grandpa had left her over two million dollars when he passed, and she had no idea where or how he got it. Maybe he’d saved all his life. She didn’t have a clue, and she hadn’t told anyone, still a bit leery about it all. They sat in silence for a moment. Annie knew her face was puffy and tears stung her already raw eyes.
Marti seemed to take the cue, and looked around, changing the subject. “So, what are you going to do with the old place?”
Annie followed her gaze around the large room. The ranch house was nice enough, but it had definitely seen better days. The creaky old house with its cracking paint and peeling wallpaper needed some work, but even in this state, it comforted her, bringing back sweet memories of her childhood and the lazy days of summer. She felt good when she was here. Although, the ranch and the orchards outside really worried her. She had absolutely no idea how to take care of the cows. Or the peaches for that matter. Thank God for ranch hands.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t even want to think about it right now. This place is a mess. Grandpa left me a little bit of money so I don’t need to decide right away. Maybe I’ll go back to L.A., maybe stay here, I don’t know.” She smiled, thinking about the arrogant Vic Rossen who double-crossed her and how she got her sweet revenge, ruining his reputation. And Daveed, who turned out to be her best friend back in Hollywood. “It’s not like I have anything going on back in L.A.”
Marti reached over to give Annie a hug. “Hey, girl, you did your best. You’re young, you’re beautiful, and not to sound selfish, but, I’m really glad you came home where you belong.”
Annie smiled gratefully at her friend. She was glad to be home, and she didn’t have to return to L.A. and her shattered dreams of being a movie star. That was a big joke. Hollywood was a big joke.
She looked around the big old house, smiling to herself a little. “Anyway, it’s nice to be home. I swear, this itty bitty town hasn’t changed at all.”
Marti grinned. “Oh yes, it has! They finally built us a Mickey D’s. Woo-flippin hoo! No more driving into the city for a heart attack!” She wiggled her head and fingers, pretending to be excited.
Annie rolled her eyes, leaning back. “Oh wow. Mickey D’s.”
Marti continued to ramble on about all of the drama and gossip that had taken place while Annie was away, keeping everything light. As the night grew dark, the two girls quieted, switching their iced teas to a few glasses of wine.
Annie felt a bit nervous about spending the night alone in the big old house. At first, the sounds of the crickets had been soothing, compared to the busy rush of traffic and the hustle and bustle she was used to in L.A. The strange sounds and yips in the darkness were pretty scary to her.
Even with the warmth of the wine and Marti’s company, she was still nervous. Marti had to work the next day and was getting ready to go home. She worked at the high school as a guidance counselor—a job she was perfect for. She made the best cheerleader in the world and could convince anyone they could do anything. Unfortunately, it meant that Marti worked very early in the morning and couldn’t stay up so late on weeknights anymore.
Marti stifled a yawn just as a loud howl echoed in the darkness around the house. Annie jumped, her hands gripping the table. Marti laughed. “Hey, scaredy cat, it’s just the coyotes, relax! You do live in the country!”
Annie nodded, but she was still on edge. She forced herself to let go of the table, and wiped her sweaty hands on the legs of her pants. “I know, I just—” She shrugged. “I guess it’s been a long time since I’ve been home. I’m just not used to all these animal sounds.”
Marti nodded. “You want to come over to my house tonight? It’s not as big and rambly. You might feel a bit safer.”
“No.” Annie shook her head. “I need to get used to this old house if I’m going to stay here.” She looked at Marti. “How about you stay the night over here? I know you have to leave early, but—”
Marti smiled. “Of course, hon. it’ll be just like the good ol’ days, when we had slumber parties.”
Annie sighed. She didn’t feel like talking any more. It had been a long, emotional day. The two girls made their way up the rickety old stairs to Annie’s room.
Chapter 2
“You sure you’re all right, hon?” Marti asked for the third time on the phone. Annie nodded, even though Marti couldn’t see her.
“Of course I’m all right; I’m going to be fine. I just had the heebie jeebies the other night. I grew up in this house, I’m a big girl, shouldn’t be scared at all.”
“All righty then,” Marti said, though she didn’t sound so sure. “Just holler if you need anything, okay?”
p; “Okay. Relax, I’ll call ya if I need to,” Annie said, hanging up the phone. She was glad Marti cared about her, but she sounded like an old woman, worrying about noises. She needed to do this. It was her home and if she was going to live here, she had better get used to it.
She hated cleaning the house, but it was a necessary chore. She should’ve hired someone. Thankfully, she was almost finished.
Apparently, Granddaddy had been awfully sick in the end, so a lot of simple things hadn’t gotten done. Georgia wasn’t like L.A.—in Georgia, if you didn’t clean the house, it started to fall apart. She’d spent the last few days battling the eternal onslaught of mold and dirt. She only had a few more rooms before she was finished, and she was pretty proud of herself.
Of course, once she finished inside, she’d have to tackle the outside. Porch needed fixing, screens needed replacing and God only knows what else. Granddaddy hadn’t done a lot of farming or fixing things in the last year of his life, but he’d tended his peach groves like they were his baby, and she hated to see them go to waste. She was sure someone in town would help her figure out what needed to be done with the groves and the cattle.
Completing the dreaded chore of house cleaning, she carried her cleaning buckets and supplies back into the kitchen and mudroom. She emptied the buckets and threw the last of the cloths into the washing machine, then headed into the huge kitchen to grab a late night snack and something to drink. Animal sounds echoed in the darkness, and Annie was glad to have the warm lamplight all around her.
She turned on the TV, to catch a late night movie, when she heard the back door rattle. She jumped, her heartbeat accelerating. The door was locked and bolted, but it shook, and the latch sounded like it clicked up and down a few times.
Annie took a deep breath, telling herself it was just Marti, or the wind. But she didn’t hear the wind, and Marti said she was going to stay at home that night. Hesitantly, she called out, “Marti? Marti is that you?”