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The Claddagh Trilogy: Irish Affair - Irish Love - Irish Heart Page 15
The Claddagh Trilogy: Irish Affair - Irish Love - Irish Heart Read online
Page 15
“Why would Ben be with me?” I snap, closing my eyes.
“No reason,” he says with a sigh. “So, what are you doing there?”
“Kayla dragged me here for a wedding,” I explain. “Don’t ask, it’s a long story.”
“It always is with Kayla,” he chuckles. I laugh, because she’ll be thrilled he said that. “Okay, well don’t rush back. Meels is feeling better, but another day or so away from her probably isn’t a bad thing.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumble, a pang of guilt hitting me. “I came here to visit you, and I haven’t even seen you guys yet.”
“And that’s hardly your fault,” he cuts in, chastising me gently, “with her being sick and all. You’ll stay here when you get back. There’s still plenty of time for us to catch up. I’m glad you’re having fun and sightseeing. You’re in Vegas. Stop feeling guilty and enjoy it.”
“Okay,” I agree. “I’ll see you soon, then. Say hi to Amelia for me.”
Yawning, I end the call then roll over and bury my face in the pillow, the sudden urge to sleep overwhelming me. I don’t even bother getting undressed, which is going to be interesting come tomorrow, considering I don’t even have a change of clothes.
* * *
I know it’s morning the second I open my eyes since the light shining through the blinds lands smack bang on my face. I groan as I sit up, my head pounding like a steam hammer. I glance around the room, my eyes still adjusting to being open, and reach up to wipe the drool away from the side of my mouth. And now I’m grateful he’s not sleeping in here.
Peeling off my clothes, I walk over to the bathroom and run the shower. I sigh as I step under the piping hot stream of water. It feels heavenly. After twenty minutes, I force myself to get out, even though I don’t want to. I wrap a towel around me and walk back over to my bed. My heart races when I see a change of clothes, a hairbrush and a toothbrush lying on the bed. My eyes dart around the room, relief flooding through me when I confirm I’m still alone. I turn my attention back to the package, and the note lying next to it.
Wasn’t sure what size you were, but I hope these fit. Ben.
I pick up the I Love Vegas t-shirt and smile. I’m touched by his thoughtfulness, until I dig deeper into the bag and find he’s also gotten me not only black leggings, but underwear too. My face flushes as I hold up the slinky little lacy thong, knowing every time he looks at me today, he’s going to be imagining these on me. The worst thing is, I’m going to know that he knows. Everything fits perfectly—even the underwear. I brush my teeth and hair, then quickly hand wash my dress and hang it to dry, so at least I have something stylish to wear later if I need it.
When I’m done, I head downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast. Ben’s already there when I walk in. His eyes fall on me and I flush as he watches me walk across the room to his table. I sit down, and he smiles at me.
“Good, it fits,” he says. “I wasn’t sure what size to get.” He pauses, avoiding eye contact with me. “And there wasn’t a lot of choice,” he adds, emphasizing the word. I flush and mumble a word of thanks, since I just know he’s referring to the underwear.
I’m still getting over my hangover and I’m not that hungry, so I just munch on a bit of dry toast and sip my black coffee, while Ben breathes in everything he can find. I watch as he stacks his plate high with pancakes before drizzling them with blueberry sauce and syrup. My stomach churns at the sight of it. I can’t stomach food in the morning at the best of times, but especially after a night of drinking. I lean forward and rest my still throbbing head in my hands. Ben glances at me and chuckles.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes,” I mumble, even though I’m not feeling it. “I spoke to Rory last night,” I add. “He told me to enjoy myself and not hurry back.”
“So, I’m guessing he doesn’t know you’re here with me then?” he asks, grinning.
“No,” I admit. “But since we are here, we might as well enjoy it. And I’d hate for you to come all this way and not see your family.”
“Okay,” he says, after a moment to think about it. “I know just how you can repay me one of those IOU’s.”
“The only IOU,” I correct him.
He shrugs off my interruption and continues.
“It’s easy, really. Just come and visit my Grammy with me and we’re even.”
I just stare at him, because I wasn’t expecting that.
“You want me to come and visit your grandmother with you for driving to Vegas to pick me up?” I repeat. It sounds so far out of the blue, it’s almost funny.
“Right,” he nods, enjoying how off-guard he’s caught me. “She’s eighty-five and frail. She’s in a retirement village here in Vegas. All I ever hear when I visit is how I need to settle down, and how she’d love to see me married with kids.” He pauses, long enough for his eyes to meet mine. “It would make her day if I walked in there with you and introduced you as my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend?” I laugh.
He nods. “It’s not for me, Siobhan.” He looks at me like I’m the crazy one for finding this ridiculous. “It’s for Grammy, to make an old lady happy.”
I roll my eyes because when he puts it like that, I know I’ll be the monster if I say no.
“Fine,” I grumble. “Let’s go and see Grammy, then.”
* * *
As it turns out, Grammy is awesome. My own grandparents died before I was born, so it felt a bit strange going into a retirement home, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Perhaps, a little old woman sitting in a chair in the corner, staring at the wall, mumbling things to herself. But this woman was quite the opposite.
“Ben?” she gasps as we walk in.
She practically jumps out of her seat and rushes over, hugging him tight. I smile. It’s hard not to see how much he loves her, or how much his visiting means to her. She glances over at me.
“And who is this pretty young lady?” she asks.
“This is my girlfriend, Siobhan,” Ben says proudly. He walks over to me and drapes his arm over my shoulder, planting a kiss on my cheek.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Siobhan,” she says, giving me a hug. “What an unusual name.”
“Nice to meet you too,” I say, feeling shy. “It’s Irish. I’m from Ireland,” I stammer out, nervously.
“You know, I fell in love with an Irishman once,” she informs Ben. “It must be in the blood. Is she kinky in the sack too?” she asks, nudging him in the ribs and wiggling her grey-haired eyebrows up and down.
Ben just laughs while I gawk at her, embarrassed and mortified at what she just said. Suddenly, I’m aware both my eyes and mouth are wide-open as my face flushes hot. Still, I can’t help but be impressed by her straight talking. I like her already.
“Oh, Grammy, behave,” he warns her, his eyes twinkling.
She rolls her eyes. “Fine, but you do know I was young once, don’t you? Now, let me show you around. I know you’ve been here before, but Siobhan hasn’t.”
Grammy gives us a golf cart tour of the village, which has everything. A golf course, a country club, shops, a pub, and a hair salon. If I was old, I’d be ready to move in here myself. I’m enjoying taking a back seat, watching and listening to her and Ben interact. It’s obvious this visit means everything to her, just as it’s clear how much he loves and respects his grandmother. I’m seeing a whole new side to him, which makes it even harder to block those sneaky feelings out. Pushing them away was so much easier when he was just my brother’s cute friend, who I knew was a player. But now he’s also this sweet guy who visits his mother and grandmother and loves his family.
How can I fight that?
Just when I think she can’t get any cooler, she drives the golf cart to a secluded spot some distance away. She puts on the brake and beckons us to follow her, then hides behind a big tree next to one of the putting greens and lights up a big fat joint. Right there and then, I’m sold on her. I want to adopt her as my Gr
“So, tell me about you two. How did you meet?” she asks, exhaling a huge cloud of marijuana smoke that billows around her in the warm breeze. If she thought taking shelter behind a tree was going to conceal her illicit activity in any way, she was very much mistaken. However, she didn’t look like a lady who’d give a rat’s arse if she got caught, anyway. I can so imagine her being quite the wild child in her day.
After another deep draw and exhale, she reaches out her hand, offering me the joint. I don’t do drugs, or cigarettes, but in that moment, I would have loved to have shared it with her. You know, just two cool women hanging out, smoking pot, but I politely decline, and she just shrugs her shoulders and carries on.
“She’s the sister of a good friend of mine. She’s over here on vacation,” Ben explains.
She sighs and smiles. “Wow, you two didn’t waste any time getting together, did you? But, that’s wonderful. The best love stories always blossom from holiday romances,” she informs us. “And the forbidden ones are the best. At least in the bedroom,” she adds with a wink. “Did I ever tell you about me and the—”
“No, and you’re not going to,” he interrupts, while I try to stifle a laugh. He glances at me and shakes his head. “Don’t encourage her,” he mutters.
“Aww, spoilsport. Don’t be such a prude, Ben,” Grammy says as she finishes her joint and stubs it out on the ground. “I may look like a sweet old lady now, but I was a tiger in my day.”
“I’m sure you were, Grammy, and that’s wonderful, but I think the weed has made you forget that’s just a little TMI for your grandson and his brand-new girlfriend to handle,” he says with a big grin on his face. “Your friends back at the home would appreciate your stories, though. Now, if you’re finished with your pot-smoking, shall we go back there?”
She throws her hands in the air in defeat and drives us back to the home. When we stop, Ben glances at me and takes my hand. He leans in closer and kisses me on the mouth. I sigh, my heart melting.
“Just for show,” he softly whispers in my ear. I nod, but a wave of disappointment hits me at the same time. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, then leans in again and kisses me on the lips. This one sends shivers down my spine. I look him in the eye and swallow the growing lump in my throat.
Was that just for show too?
“See,” he mumbles under his breath as Grammy glances over at us and smiles. “She’s loving it.” I can’t deny that. Grammy does seem to be happy seeing Ben with someone.
“She’s really sweet, and so funny, too,” I say to him. “I’m actually having a good time. Thanks for bringing me to meet her.”
“Thanks for coming,” he says.
His eyes meet mine again and we stare at each other for a moment, until the sound of Grammy clearing her throat startles us apart.
“Sorry to tear you two away from each other, but could you be a dear and open the door?” she asks Ben.
We go inside and hang out with her for a bit longer, until her nurse informs us it’s nearly tea time. I glance at my phone. It’s not even four o’clock, but whatever, I guess rules are rules around here. Ben says he’s going to call his mother, but he’s left his phone in the car, so he gives Grammy a hug and a kiss, promising he’ll visit again soon. I say I’ll join him in a minute, then he’s gone, leaving us alone.
“It’s been lovely meeting you,” I say to her.
“You too, my dear,” she says, smiling at me. “I love seeing Ben so happy, and he hasn’t been this happy in a long time.” There’s an honesty in her voice which makes me swoon. “He’s a good boy, Siobhan. He hides it with cheek sometimes, but deep down, you won’t get a sweeter, more thoughtful young man than him.”
I smile, because I totally believe that. I lean over to kiss her on the cheek, then turn to leave. Just as I’m walking out the door, she calls out to me.
“Oh, and Siobhan?” she says, and I turn around. Her eyes twinkle. “I might be eighty-five, but I’m not senile.”
“Pardon?” I say, shocked.
“I know my grandson well enough to know he’s pulling a little stunt. Getting you to pretend to be his girlfriend for poor little old Grammy?” she smiles and shakes her head. “I don’t give a crap whether he’s married, single, gay or straight. I think my boy just wanted to mess with you.” Her eyes twinkle. “And the only reason he would do that, is if he likes you.”
“Really?” I say. I narrow my eyes and smile at her. “Thanks, Grammy. This chat has been very useful.”
I walk outside and arrive back at the car at the same time Ben’s finishing up on the phone. I could get upset or angry about him lying to me that his earlier kisses were just for show, but I won’t. I smile at him, climb into the car, and strap on my seatbelt. Getting even is going to be so much more fun.
Chapter Five
When we get back to the hotel, I press the elevator button for level four, where her room is located, and hold the doors open when we get to her floor. She gets out then turns back to me and smiles.
“We might as well make the most of tonight and go out?” she suggests.
I shrug. “Okay. Sounds good to me. As long as we keep you away from the alcohol.” She glowers at me. “I guess Grammy would be happy to hear I’ve taken you somewhere nice for dinner,” I begrudgingly admit.
She nods her agreement, a smile forming on her lips. “I’m sure she’d love to hear that.”
“Okay, then. I’ll pick you up at six?” I say.
She nods. “Six it is. See you then.”
* * *
I take a shower and get changed, then at six o’clock sharp, I’m knocking on her door. She opens it and I’m taken aback. She looks simply stunning in the same dress she wore last night. I shift nervously, because if she’s trying to see how long it would take me to cave and give in to the attraction I’m feeling for her, then I’m giving it five minutes.
“Hey,” she says. “It was either this old thing, or the I Love Vegas t-shirt,” she jokes.
“That’s more than fine,” I mumble, my cock twitching in my pants.
“And, before you start questioning my hygiene, I washed it in the bath,” she adds.
She smells as good as she looks, and the thought never even entered my head.
“Let’s go,” I say. If I stand there any longer, it’s going to become blatantly obvious just how sexy I think she looks. I grab her hand and lead her down the corridor to the elevator. When we step into the foyer on the ground floor, I look over in surprise when she takes my hand.
“Come on, Ben. For Grammy’s sake,” she says with a grin.
“Sure,” I say. Something about the way she’s looking at me makes me nervous, but I dismiss it as maybe me just being paranoid. There’s something quite beguiling about her.
We walk outside the hotel and down a few blocks toward the little restaurant I’ve chosen to take her for dinner. It’s a little quiet, even though it’s a Monday evening, but the whole walk there, she’s looking around, taking in the streets of Vegas. For me, it’s second nature, but I remind myself she’s a small-town Irish girl. All the flashing neon lights must be quite something for her to see.
“I hope you like seafood,” I say as we walk into the restaurant.
She nods. “I love it,” and I grin. Phew, good call, Ben.
We sit down at a table overlooking the casino next door. She can’t drag her eyes away from all the lights. Over the top of my menu, I watch her as she studies her own. Her expression is so serious, you’d think she was deciding which hedge fund to invest her life savings into, rather than how she wants her fish cooked.
“What are you thinking?” I ask her.
“I can’t decide between the scallop and prawn risotto or the seafood fettuccine with Alfredo sauce,” she finally admits.
“Then how about you get one and I get the other?” I suggest. “Then you can try both and decide which you want.”
She smiles at me. “That sounds good.�
It turns out, they’re both amazing and the decision is even harder when they’re both presented in front of her. We both eat half, then swap, so we get the best of both worlds.
“Okay, this place has fast become my highlight of this trip. I’m ready to move here just for the food in this restaurant.”
I laugh. “You’d move here for some fish? I thought I would’ve been the highlight, judging by that kiss last night,” I murmur.
She looks up at me, shocked I’ve brought it up. I hold her gaze and smile at her. I should be backing off, not encouraging her, but I can’t help myself.
“I was drunk. I’m sorry I kissed you,” she mumbles, her cheeks turning pink.
“I’m not,” I reply. She stares at me for a moment, not saying anything, then opens her mouth, just as the waiter interrupts us to ask if there is anything else we need.
“Um, I think we’re good,” I say. “Can we have the check, please?”
* * *
As soon we walk outside, I see Siobhan eyeing up the casino next door. I smirk at her and suggest we go in.
“Sure,” she agrees. “Though I’m not much of a gambler,” she adds, wincing.
“You don’t need to be a gambler. You’re in Vegas. Just have fun.”
We sit down at the bar and have a drink. She orders a juice, while I order a beer.
“Don’t trust yourself around me,” I tease.
“No, I told you. I don’t like the taste of alcohol,” she retorts, narrowing her eyes at me.
“Sure. So,” I say, looking around. “How does this compare to Ireland?”
“Everything is so much bigger,” she enthuses.
“That’s what all the foreign girls say,” I quip, smiling.
She blushes and looks down. “Actually, I know I’ve only been here like five minutes, but I am a little homesick. I’m not sure I could live so far away from my family. Sure, it can be as noisy as hell in our house when everyone’s there, especially us girls, but sometimes I don’t want much more than to sit down and have a chat with them, you know?”
I nod, understanding exactly what she’s saying. “You and Rory are obviously close,” I comment, “but are you as close with your sisters?”