The Claddagh Trilogy: Irish Affair - Irish Love - Irish Heart Read online

Page 12

  “Yeah, unlikely on both counts,” Rory winces. “I’m not sure Amelia actually likes you that much.” He laughs as she whacks him on the arm, her eyes widening.

  “Excuse me,” she gasps, shooting Rory daggers. “I love Ben.”

  Rory glances at her, amused. “Really? Because that’s not what you were saying last night.”

  Amelia’s face goes bright red. “All I said was keep him away from my friends,” she says, shrugging. “Come on. Even he knows he’s a manwhore. And if we’re on the subject, shall we talk about Siobhan?” she asks sweetly.

  “Let’s not,” Rory growls.

  “So, they’re your friends?” I ask, glancing back over to the girls sitting by the pool. “Because I’m more than happy to assist if they need entertaining.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t even bother. You’ve met—and hit on—my sister and Mischa already.”

  I squint back at them and then grin, nodding slowly.

  “Oh yeah. For a second there, I didn’t recognize them without their clothes on.” Amelia narrows her eyes at me and crosses her arms over her chest. “Kidding,” I say, shaking my head. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “Sure,” she mutters. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

  She shakes her head at me, then walks over to the pool, leaving Rory and me alone.

  “You’ve done well,” I say, glancing after her. “Not just with this house, or your music, but with Amelia. I’m happy you found someone who loves you as much as she does, and I’m glad I helped in some small way.”

  “I think that was a compliment,” Rory says, thinking about what I said. I think about it in my head too and realize I could’ve phrased it better. “Can I tell you something?” he asks. He glances around to make sure no one is listening.

  “Sure,” I say.

  “I’m planning on proposing to her,” he mumbles. He glances over at her as she sits by the edge of the pool with her sister and friend.

  “Really? That’s great news,” I say. I smile at him then pat him on the back. He has no idea how happy I am to hear that. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” he says. “But I wanted to ask you something else, too,” he says. He eyes me nervously, looking a little green. “Would you be my best man?” I stare at him, both shocked and honored that he’d consider me for that role.

  “You know I will,” I say, giving him a hug. He glances around to make sure no one is suspicious, especially Amelia. “Sorry,” I say with a chuckle. “I got a bit carried away. Any idea how you’re going to propose?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, I’m going to do it at the concert next weekend. Amelia’s already coming to it, so she won’t be suspicious. I’m even writing a song just for her and proposing in the middle of it.”

  “She’ll love it,” I say honestly, rapt with the news.

  “Yeah hopefully,” he says, releasing a nervous laugh. “Siobhan arrives tomorrow. I really wanted her there when I did it. And I figured she’d be a good distraction throughout the week, so I can get things organized.”

  I nod. “Yeah, I’m sure she’ll be a great distraction.”

  “No,” Rory says, narrowing his eyes at me. “No. Don’t do that.”

  “What?” I say, doing my best to look innocent.

  “That look. Come on, man, she’s my sister,” he moans, covering his face with his hands.

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about,” I assure him with a chuckle, patting him on the back.

  “Who’s got nothing to worry about?”

  I turn around to see Amelia staring curiously at us. I glance at Rory, who is fumbling through an answer, and smirk.

  “I was just suggesting I help welcome Siobhan to the States when she gets here,” I grin. “But poor Rory took my comment a little too literally,” I joke.

  Rory narrows his eyes. “Don’t you make this out to be a cultural thing. You suggested you want to bang my sister. Straight out, promise me you’re not going to try it on with her,” Rory growls.

  Laughing, I put my hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes.

  “I promise you, I will not do anything with your sister that your grandma wouldn’t approve of,” I assure him.

  Rory frowns. “See, if you’d met my gran, you’d understand why that scares the fuck outta me,” he mutters, his green eyes sparkling. “Okay. Then the best thing to do is keep you the hell away from her.”

  “Your Grandma or your sister?” I joke. He glares at me. “Jesus, hard crowd tonight. Look, if that’s what you want, then consider it done,” I chuckle. “I won’t go anywhere near her.”

  “Good,” he nods and pats me on the back. “That’s one less thing for me to worry about this week. Now let me finish cooking these burgers before I burn the fuck out of them.”

  The rest of the night continues much the same, with me still joking about Siobhan, and Rory threatening to castrate me. Eventually, everyone has gone, but me. I’m always the last to leave, to the point where Rory usually has to usher me out of the house.

  I intend on going home, but instead, I find myself sitting in the bar just down from my apartment, where I drink the same drink until I drag myself home at three in the morning. For the first night in a long time, I’m alone, which only serves to remind me just how much I hate it. It’s why I pick up so many women. It’s not even about the sex half the time, it’s just having someone there with me, someone to listen to as I lay awake at night.

  A psychiatrist would have a field day, working through my issues.

  * * *

  The noise pounds into my head like a sledgehammer, relentless and constant. I curse and lift my head off the pillow to look around. It takes me a moment to realize that it’s just my phone ringing. I fumble on the ground next to my bed, looking for it, finally grasping it and lifting it to my ear.

  “Hello,” I mutter.

  “Are you awake? Thank God. Ben, get up. I need your help,” Rory orders me.

  “Sure, what is it?” I mutter, yawning as I sit up and rub the back of my neck. “Dude, it’s not even seven o’clock, Sunday morning,” I growl.

  “I know, but I need a favor. I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t really fucking stuck, but can you pick Siobhan up from the airport?” he asks, sounding pained.

  “Really,” I say with a chuckle. “I mean, are you kidding me? This is the same Siobhan that you made me swear I’d stay away from last night?”

  “Not the time, Ben,” Rory growls. “I’m on the way to the hospital with Meels.”

  “Shit, is everything okay?” I ask, instantly concerned.

  “I don’t know,” he says, sounding panicked. “Look, can you help me, or not? You’ll need to swing past my place and get my phone if you can help, because Siobhan is going to call that when she buys a local sim for her phone. I’ve got no way of contacting her until she gives me her number…” He lets out a string of what I assume are curse words in Gaelic. “It’s a fucking mess. I can’t even put her in a cab because I can’t reach her.”

  “Rory, it’s fine,” I say, trying to calm him down. “I’ll handle it. You just take care of Amelia, okay?”

  “Thanks, man, I owe you one,” he says, sounding relieved. “Oh, and Ben?”

  “Yeah?” I say.

  “Touch her and I’ll fucking kill you,” he growls.

  Chuckling, I toss my phone on the bed as I get up and then wander into the bathroom to get ready. I’ve got to look good if I’m going to impress Siobhan.

  * * *

  I stop by Rory’s house to grab his phone, which, as promised, is sitting on the kitchen counter. I shove it in my pocket and then walk back outside, passing the pool along the way. I glance at that sparkling blue water and check my phone, weighing up whether I have enough time for a swim. What harm can a little swim do?

  No one is around, so I just strip off then dive into the water, naked. I do a few laps, savoring the peace and quiet before I climb out, quickly drying myself off. I get dressed again
, patting my pocket to check for the phone, then I take off for the airport, feeling refreshed. Yeah, I could get used to living here.

  I arrive at the airport five minutes later than I should’ve, but there’s no messages from Siobhan yet, so I assume her flight is running late too. I walk inside and check the arrivals board, but then frown when I realize I know nothing other than where she’s coming from. Why didn’t I get her flight details off Rory? Sighing, I sit down and resign myself to waiting.

  After five minutes, I’m already over it. I wander around the stores, instead. I check the phone regularly, just in case she calls. Even though I’m expecting it, it still scares the shit out of me when it vibrates in my pocket. My heart pounds as I pull it out, but my happiness lasts all of ten seconds when I read her message.

  Siobhan: Flight delayed in San Francisco. I’ll be two hours late. Can’t wait to see you guys though.

  I think for a moment before responding like I imagine Rory would.

  Me: Okay, see you when you get here. Ben will meet you. Something’s come up.

  Siobhan: Ben… :) The sexy one you’re afraid I’m going to try and jump?

  I grin at that. Sexy, huh? I can work with that. I tap out a reply, which I know is going to give my game away, but I can’t resist.

  Me: He’s the one I hope you’re going to jump. Do whatever your body craves with Ben.

  Siobhan: Um…either this is Ben, or our relationship just took a turn for the worst.

  I chuckle, imagining the look on her face when she realizes it’s me.

  Me: Yeah, it’s Ben.

  Siobhan: Thanks for the warning. I’m feeling kinda embarrassed now.

  Me: Because you said I’m sexy? Does it even things out if I tell you you’re hot too?

  Siobhan: A little. Crap. Boarding again. I’ll see you soon. What are you wearing?

  Me: Bit early for that. Not sure what Rory’s been saying, but I’m not that kind of guy.

  Siobhan: So I can find you in case this phone goes flat, you dickwad.

  Me: Oh right. Jeans and a blue tee shirt. I’ll be the guy sitting in Cantina Laredo in the TBIT with a crushed heart. So what are you wearing?

  Siobhan: I travel in comfort. Track pants and a top.

  Me: No, I mean underneath that ;)

  Siobhan: Creep.

  I’m still laughing to myself as I walk over to the Cantina and order a coffee. She seems like a fun chick. I honestly don’t know that much about her, other than the fact that Rory wants me nowhere near her. That’s usually enough for me to do what I’m not supposed to.

  The barista hands me my coffee. I smile at her and sit down at the first empty table I find. I’ve got a clear view of the arrivals exit from where I sit—not that I really need that now. I settle myself in for the long wait, already regretting not bringing some work with me. Of course, I wasn’t expecting to be here for half the day. I call Rory, just in case he’s waiting to hear from Siobhan.

  “Hi, Ben,” Rory answers.

  “Hey, dude. I’m still at the airport. Siobhan’s flight was delayed in Frisco,” I explain.

  “For how long?” he asks.

  “She’ll probably be another two hours,” I say, taking a guess. “By the time she gets through customs and out to me.”

  He groans. “Shite. Sorry, Ben. I didn’t mean to eat into your whole day.”

  I laugh. “It’s fine. It’s not like I had much else to do, anyway. How is Amelia?” I add.

  “Yeah, we’re leaving the hospital now. She’s okay but still sick. The doctor thinks it’s either food poisoning, or a bug.”

  “I knew you’re cooking was bad, but Jesus, man,” I say with a chuckle, unable to resist a little dig.

  “Fuck off,” he growls in response, but he’s laughing.

  “So, I assume I’m bringing her back to your place?” I ask him.

  “Where else would you be taking her?” he asks, his voice sharp.

  I smirk. “Calm down. I just meant if Amelia is sick, how sure are you it’s not contagious?” I say. “You don’t want Siobhan being sick her whole time here.”

  “Fuck, I never even thought about that,” he mutters. “I guess you have a point. Okay, then I might book a hotel room for her for a couple of nights.” I smile at the thought of her being all alone and away from Rory. “Alone, Ben. Stop smirking, or whatever the fuck it is that you’re doing.”

  “God, man, do you have a camera on me or something?” I mutter, glancing around me. His ability to know what I’m doing at any given moment is spooky.

  “No, I just know you that well,” he retorts. “That and I can hear your mind ticking over.” He grunts, obviously worked up. “You know what? I want you to send me a photo of you every half hour on the dot. You, standing in front of your TV.”

  “What the hell does that prove?” I say with a chuckle. “What’s to stop me from dragging my TV to your sister’s hotel room so I can nail her?”

  “Ben,” Rory growls. I laugh, because he’s so easy to provoke, it’s almost no fun anymore. “Calm down. I’m kidding. Go look after that girl of yours. I’ll take care of your sister.”

  “Yeah,” Rory mutters. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

  * * *

  It’s nearly two hours later and I’m just finishing off my fourth coffee, while doing everything I can to stay awake. I rub my eyes, trying to liven them up, then I stifle a yawn. I glance at the phone and snort. It’s barely eleven in the morning. I can’t remember the last time I was up this early on a Sunday.

  I’m five minutes away from trying to find a quiet place to nap, when I look up and exhale sharply. I recognize the beauty walking in my direction, but holy shit. She looked cute enough on Rory’s phone, but in person, even in sweatpants, she’s fucking stunning. She calls my name and waves at me, a shy smile on her face. I stand up a little too suddenly, nearly knocking the table over in the process. She laughs, her piercing green eyes lighting up at the sight of my misfortune, but I don’t care, because that laughter is fucking music to my ears. I run my hand through my hair and smirk at her. I know I promised Rory I wouldn’t touch her, but holy hell. God help me…

  Why do I keep making promises I can’t keep?

  Chapter Two


  “Ben?” I say, letting out a nervous giggle.

  I hide a smile when he trips over his feet as he stands up to greet me. The table nearly goes flying, which causes the people around him to turn and stare. He flushes and mutters an apology, then walks over to me. My heart pounds, because he’s even cuter in person. He smiles at me and extends his hand. I take it, ignoring the rush that jolts through me when he touches me.

  My lord, that smile…

  “Siobhan, hey, how was your flight?” he asks with a grin.

  “Long,” I say, making a face. I look him up and down and then shiver. He’s so cute in the flesh. “It’s nice to meet you in person. Thanks for waiting for me, by the way. Sorry you ended up here for so long. How come it’s you picking me up? Where’s Rory?”

  “Oh, your brother poisoned Amelia with his cooking. Had to take her to the hospital,” he says with a straight face.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I ask, concerned for her.

  “Yeah, kind of,” he says, smiling. “She’s okay. Probably some kind of bug. They should be home by now.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. You had me worried there,” I say, putting my bags down next to the table and sitting down. “Hey, do you mind if I grab something to eat before we leave?” I ask. “It turns out plane food is not so appetizing.”

  “Knock yourself out,” he says with a smile. “But only if I can refer to this as our first date in front of your brother.”

  “Ah, so you got the talk too?” I say knowingly.

  All week Rory had been on at me not to hit on Ben when I got here. The funny thing is, I had no intention to until he kept putting the idea in my head. Now, after seeing him in person…

  “If talk means he th
reatened to castrate me, then yes, we talked.”

  I laugh. “Wow, he must really think we’re going to hit it off or something. It’s like waving a chocolate bar in front of a toddler and telling them not to eat it though, isn’t it? I mean, being told you can’t have something just makes you want it more…” My voice trails off as he raises his eyebrows. I feel my face heat up. “Not that it’s made me want you anymore than I already did…”

  Yeah, not helping.

  I decide the best thing to do is shut my mouth and go grab a sandwich. I walk back over to the table and sit down as Ben reaches for his phone.

  “I should let Rory know you’re here.”

  “Oh,” I say, reaching over for his phone with a wide smile. “Let me.”

  He shrugs and hands it to me. I call Amelia’s number, waiting excitedly for one of them to answer.

  “You better not have touched my sister.”

  I giggle. “He wouldn’t dare,” I grin, delighted to hear my brother’s voice.

  I’ve missed him, no matter how much he tries to boss me around. Talking to him, and knowing I’ll be seeing him soon gets me excited.

  “The flight got delayed in San Francisco,” I explain with a shrug, “but I’m here now.”

  “Yeah, Ben told me you got stuck there for a while. Is he behaving himself?” he asks, only half joking.

  I glance over at Ben and smile. “For now, he is.”

  Ben shrugs at me, looking wounded. I roll my eyes and turn away, so I can concentrate without him making faces at me.

  “How’s Amelia feeling?” I ask. “Ben said she wasn’t well?”

  “Yeah, I took her to the hospital,” he says. “But she’s home now. They think it’s food poisoning, but it could’ve been a bug.”

  “Okay, not contagious I hope,” I say, making a face.

  “Probably not, but it’s not the worst idea if I put you up in a hotel, at least for tonight. I’d hate for you to catch something if it is.” I ignore Ben muttering something behind me about staying at his place. Somehow, I can’t see Rory going for that. “We’ll see how she is tomorrow and you can come here. Are you okay with that?”