Betrayal (Southern Belles) Page 5
Marti pumped her fingers in and out a little, sliding them up over Annie’s nub and then back over her ass, moistening everything in her path. She pushed Annie’s legs up on the bed, pulling and pushing on her ass, licking and biting at the soft flesh. Her hand returned to Annie’s clit, Annie heaved as Marti flicked the hooded little button. She gently kissed it and swirled her tongue around the hot little bud, feeling it reach out for more attention.
With a sly smirk, Marti moved her thumb once more to massage the sensitive bud, while her tongue and mouth moved down to glide over Annie’s tight little hole.
Annie was panting and moaning with pleasure now. Her voice called out. “Don’t stop, Marti, please don’t stop!” Marti slid her tongue into her friend’s puckered ass, in a slow fucking motion, moaning herself a little as she licked and sucked the entrance. Her fingers dancing on Annie’s clitoris as Annie’s breasts heaved.
Marti could feel the pressure building up in Annie. She knew her friend was close to exploding, and she was dripping wet at the thought. Her fingers stroked Annie’s sex faster and faster, her other hand slipping down to tease and massage her own wetness.
Annie’s panting shifted, her body shook and Marti moved her fingers faster and harder. Groaning quietly at first then louder and louder, Annie convulsed as she came in wave after wave of unadulterated pleasure. Her sweet juices flowing as her pussy tightened hard around Marti’s fingers. Annie cried out, and Marti pressed her face into her friend’s ass, feeling the warmth of the orgasm pulsing through her. She rubbed her own moistness fervently as she bucked and groaned long and hard with her own incredible orgasm.
When their breathing began to slow, Marti moved her fingers back out, sliding them slowly and gently over Annie’s tender body in sensuous movements before moving her dripping hand up and into her mouth, tasting the juices on it. Annie collapsed to her side, her arms thrown over her face.
After a moment, Marti stretched, leaning back as she eyed Annie. Annie smiled back at her. Her hands sliding over Marti’s body in seductive circles. Marti grinned, sat up and pulled Annie close. She looked into her eyes, love and lust filled their being. She drew in closer, their tender mouths met, sucking at each other’s breath, feeling their thumping hearts, their bodies spent with pleasure.
“Annie, I love-“
“Shhhh! hush!” Annie suddenly jumped up as she heard a knock at the door.
Chapter 11
"Shit! Someone’s at the door! Marti, stay here and pretend you’re asleep." Annie quickly grabbed her robe and threw her hair into a towel and ran downstairs to see who it was. She knew it would be Tommy and her heart raced as she opened the door. He smiled that crooked smile of his, her heart melted. Dang! he looked so good in his jeans and white t-shirt. His tanned arms stretching out of his rolled up sleeves.
"Hi baby, you awake? Sorry to just stop by, but I thought you might like to go to lunch and then check on some materials so you can start working on the house? One of the guys at work has a son who does all kinds of maintenance work. Says he can do it, just let him know what you want and anything custom. What say, sexy lady?" He smiled, as he put his arms around her waist and kissed her.
"Oh, uh sure! Just got out of the shower so let me get dressed and we can go. I think Marti is still sleeping, I’ll be down in a sec….” She trailed off as she ran up the stairs.
"Shit Marti, I told you he was gonna find out!" Annie whispered to her friend.
"Who freakin cares love, come kiss me!"
"Stop it Marti and don't say anything! I will be so mad at you! Just hush!!" As she put on a tank top and shorts and ran down the stairs.
Tommy was scanning the living room, checking what could be fixed, and what needed replacing. It was a vintage antebellum house and Grandpa had been too old and too tired to do any of the upkeep. Annie didn't know why he never hired anyone; he obviously had the money to do it. And now she had the money and no one even knew. She kept it a big secret. She was afraid people would treat her differently, especially Tommy.
"God you're beautiful!“ he smiled.
"Thanks baby, you're looking pretty good yourself! Where we going?"
"I thought we'd run over to the city and spend the day there. They have some really nice restaurants then we can dive into the home center and check out what we need for the house and have it delivered. It's only about an hour away."
"Nice restaurants? Let me go change my clothes."
"You don't have to; it's hotter than hell out there and sticky. The humidity is awful."
Marti was listening to their conversation and when she heard they were going to the city, she bit her tongue. Yeah, you go to the city boy, and stay there!
He was right, by the time she got into the car, Annie’s top was clinging to her from the heat and her shorts were stuck to her legs. Tommy opened the door for her as Marti watched from the window, thinking what an asshole he had been to her and why was he so kind to Annie? The pain of what had happened between them a few years earlier still stung.
They talked on the way over, looking at houses as they passed by, thinking of things they could do with the ranch. Annie knew she had to hire some help for the orchard and maintenance of the house. She just didn’t want the bother of it all.
"Hey hon, you think you could hire me some ranch hands to take care of Grandpa’s peaches?"
Tommy looked at her. "Sure, baby, but how at you going to pay them? Ranch hands aren't cheap."
"Grandpa left me some money, I mean if we can just get the place back in working order, I could tell how many people I really need and go from there. What do you think?"
“Anything for my lady." He smiled. Annie cringed, thinking of her morning with Marti, she would never want to hurt him. Or Marti for that matter. Shit! What was she thinking?
He could smell her perfume and it reminded him of the first night they had made love. She was so soft and tender; he hoped he hadn’t hurt her. His manhood jumped at the thought of her naked body and soft skin. He wanted her and he knew she was going to be his wife. He was going to do everything he could to make sure of it!
When they got to the restaurant, Annie was famished. She was a pretty good eater for such a small girl and Tommy was impressed at her ability to keep up with him. They chatted about the house and ranch hands and Annie was sure she was falling in love. He was such a sweetheart. He touched her hand as they talked, his eyes sparkled when he looked at her, opened every door they went through, listened to her change her mind forty times about some stupid lamps. He was the perfect gentleman. Wonder why Marti had such a problem with him? She would have to ask her when she got home.
Chapter 12
The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Tommy hired a few ranch hands and the house was under reconstruction. Annie was surprised at how much needed to be done. She found herself drifting easily into the slow southern rhythm. She found out that the owner of the sushi place in town was looking to hire another waitress, so she applied for the job and with her credentials from the previous restaurant she worked at, the owner was happy to have her aboard and she started work the following Monday.
She didn’t need to work, but being home alone while Marti was at her job was getting boring and with the ruckus going on at the ranch, she needed to get away for a few hours a day. Compared to the fancy place that she had worked at in L.A., the sushi bar was ridiculously simple, but she found that she really liked the slower pace.
Of course, the rest of her life wasn’t so simple. Marti had given up her apartment and moved in with Annie at the ranch. She was supposed to be there helping with the crew, but truth be told, she was there for Annie and her own desires. Annie appreciated the company and she loved playing with Marti in the wee hours of the night, but her feelings for Tommy were getting stronger. She slept at his house nearly half the week and she knew that Marti didn’t like it when she was gone.
Tommy didn't like the fact that Marti was living there, but
he shrugged it off as best he could. He didn’t know anything about what was happening between Annie and Marti, and he sure didn't want to start a fight with her. She was Annie's friend and he would just deal with it.
Annie knew the sexcapades with Marti could change her whole life and how Tommy felt about her. She loved Tommy, she loved Marti, but she just couldn’t stop. Sometimes she was afraid to stop. They were just so different. Tommy was serious and sensual. They would make love for hours, with candles lit and soft music playing in the background. He bought her presents at random moments and he never gave her any reason to doubt his feelings for her.
Marti was all giggles and silliness. They would lie together in the dark like girls at a slumber party, throwing pillows and eating ice cream and then suddenly making passionate, hot love. They explored each other’s bodies like it was a game, and both girls were getting very good at it.
The summer had hit its stride when things began to get out of hand. Annie had been sitting under a fan in the restaurant, trying to stay out of the stifling heat while she waited out the slow afternoon time. The dinner rush would be coming soon, and Annie could only hope that it came with a breath of cooler air. The air conditioner simply couldn’t keep up in the humidity.
Her phone rang, and she saw that it was Tommy. She smiled. He liked to call and text her during the slower times at the restaurant. It was usually less frantic for him this time of day too, and they would chat until one of them got busy again. She loved knowing that he thought about her at random times of the day.
“Hey,” she said, knowing that he would hear the grin in her voice. “How are you? How’s work?”
“Really good, darlin’'” he said, also sounding happy, but a little nervous. “Look, it’s actually kind of crazy right now, and this isn’t how I wanted this to go. Can I take you out for dinner tonight, so we can talk?”
“Yeah, is everything okay?” Annie said, surprised. Marti would be upset, and she’d have to make it up to her, but this wasn’t like Tommy. He wasn’t that spontaneous. It had to be something important.
“Everything is great, hon,” Tommy said. She could hear shouting in the background, and his voice was suddenly hurried. “I gotta go, I love you and I’ll see you tonight. I’ll pick you up from work. okay?”
Then, with a click, he was gone, without even giving Annie a chance to say that she loved him back. She smiled at the phone. It was nice of him to call when he was so busy, even if it had been worrisome.
She sent a quick text to Marti, canceling their plans for that night. Marti was sure to be pissed. Annie tucked her phone away as a customer walked in the front door, and she hurried away to get back to work.
Pretty soon the restaurant was full, and Annie didn’t have time to think about much of anything before Tommy was pulling up at the front of the building, dressed in his best slacks and one of the silky shirts that she loved so much. This one was a deep green, making the lighter flecks in his eyes brighter. Annie wasn’t actually done. She still had a little bit of cleanup to do, and she smiled at him before returning to work. Tommy whispered quietly with her boss, and her boss beamed.
“Annie, get yourself on over here. I’ll finish that up tonight. This boy is taking you out on the town!”
Annie smiled, she was a little confused, but she dropped the cloth gratefully and hurried over. Tommy was blushing a little, and he held out a long flat box for her. “I’m sorry this was so rushed,” he said. “There was a mix-up with one of my friends, and they can only help me out tonight.”
“Help you out with what?” Annie asked, taking the box and looking at it curiously. It was slightly heavy, and she didn’t have a clue what could be inside.
“You’ll see.” He said, grinning. “I knew you wouldn’t want to be in your work clothes, so I bought that in the city earlier.” He blushed. “I hope you like it. The lady in the store said it was good, but what do I know?”
Annie nervously peeled away the corner of the box to peek inside. There was cloth inside - some sort of dark, silky fabric. She looked back up at Tommy, and he grinned, shrugging a little. “You can take as long as you want,” he said. “I’ll bet Jenny will help you clean up nice.”
Annie turned to find her boss grinning, and she glanced between the two for a minute. “Okay, y’all” she said, more than a little baffled. She turned to head into the back, so that she could change.
The dress was light and clingy in just the right spots. It was a little off the shoulder, with a medium neckline and fairly high cut at the thigh. It was a dark, shimmery blue that seemed to catch the light no matter how she stood. The sales lady had been right. Annie loved it right from the start.
Jenny slipped into the back to help her clean up, fix her makeup and her hair and then, feeling like a million dollars, Annie slipped out the door with Tommy. He drove quietly toward town, and Annie had absolutely no idea what was going on. He pulled up in front of their old elementary school, and Annie looked at it, baffled. The front lights were on, and there was a young man in a tux standing at the door.
Annie looked over at Tommy, but he just grinned, sliding out of the car. Together, they walked into the school, along the halls that she remembered from her childhood. The lights were lit in a path to the small gym, which was fairly dark, lit only by a line and circle of candles leading to a table in the middle of the room.
The table had flowers in the center, and fancy wine glasses. Tommy helped Annie sit then took his seat across from her. Another young man stepped up, carrying two plates that he slipped before her.
Annie stared at it all, baffled.
“I thought you’d like a fancy dinner,” Tommy said. “Something special, to show you how special you are to me.”
Annie blushed. This whole thing was like a dream. They ate together, chatting about the old gym and their school days. They laughed and the spark of love between them grew. Annie was home and Tommy was an angel. Annie thought he seemed a bit nervous because he kept glancing around the room. Everything was perfect. It was the most romantic meal she’d ever had.
When they were both done, Tommy leaned across the table, smiling “Do you know what my favorite memory from this gym is?” he asked her, his hands fumbling under the table.
“No, what?” Annie asked, curiously.
His grin got wider, and he was suddenly sliding out of his chair, kneeling beside her. In his hands he held little black box with a beautiful diamond ring in it. “It’s when I first saw you. You were sitting with Marti, playing hopscotch in the corner, and I knew right then that you were the girl for me.” He glanced down at the box in his hands, clearing his throat.
“Annie, I know that I couldn’t ever deserve you. You are the most beautiful, amazing woman I know. But I would be honored if you would be my wife. I would take care of you like you deserve. I would make sure that you have everything you need. I would be there for you, through everything. I promise I will love you for the rest of my life.”
Annie gasped! Tears welled up in her eyes. She knew she loved Tommy, that was for sure. She just hadn’t expected this quite yet. The moment hung for a moment, and then Tommy cleared his throat.
“Annabelle Michelle Gibbons, will you marry me?”
Annie pressed her hand to her mouth, and found herself talking without thinking about it.
“Yes. Yes.” Her voice grew stronger, and then she fell out of her chair to hug him, laughing. “Yes!”
Tommy pulled her in tight, kissing her hard, and Annie let the rest of the world fade away. She would worry about Marti later.
Chapter 13
Marti obviously knew what had happened the second that she saw Annie walk in the door. Her eyes scaled down the sexy dress, and caught on the shiny new ring on her finger. She snapped her gaze back up to Annie, looking like she’d been slapped.
“You said yes?” She said, her voice sounding terribly wounded.
Annie took a half-step back. Smiling. “Yeah.”
Marti’s face too
k on a sudden scowl. “I figured he was going to ask, but I didn’t think you were stupid enough to say yes.” She took a deep swallow. “Don’t you care about me at all?”
Annie exploded, "Marti! Stop it! Just stop it! You have been ragging on Tommy since the day I met him! I am tired of this crap! I love him! Can't you be happy for me? Can't you for one minute think about me and not yourself? You are my best friend! Hell, you're my only friend because I don't have a life without you. You are with me almost every second I have a minute of free time! You know what that means? It means you are MY BEST FRIEND! Act like it! Be happy! Be a part of my happiness! Fuck! You used to be so cool! What happened to you?"
Marti looked horrified! With tears in her eyes, she ran up the stairs to her room, slamming the door as hard as she could.
Annie stormed off into the kitchen for a shot of something, anything. This is why Annie didn’t have any friends in L.A.....too much fucking drama.
She threw back a shot of whiskey. She shuddered as it burned her throat. But the warmth felt good. Okay Annabelle, this is the happiest night of your life. You love him, he loves you, Marti will have to get over it. What even made Marti think we were going to be lovers or something?
After another shot of whiskey, her thoughts turned to Marti. Oh Marti, what have I done? She ran up the stairs to Marti’s room to find Marti sitting on her bed, tears running down her face.
“Of course I care about you Marti.” She started forward toward her but Marti scooted back. Annie continued. “I’m sorry, I'm sorry I hollered at you, I'm sorry I am such a bitch. Marti, you are my best friend and I love you. Tommy doesn’t make a difference for us. This isn’t going to change anything. I promise” she lied, as she went to hug her friend.
Marti pushed her back, glaring at her “I wish you were right” she said. Her heart heavy, her hands shaking. She continued to stare, her mouth set grimly. “But you’re not. Just wait and see.”