Saddled On The Cowboy Page 40
He paused, sighing before finishing his thoughts. “When you left, my whole world stopped. I thought about the last few months when you came to live with me at the house and you are right. Ellie was not a nice person to you. And I didn’t know how to handle it, so I didn’t.”
He shook his head. “So first of all, I need to apologize to you.”
“Nick, don’t - ”
“Hold on, let me finish. I need to apologize to you. You see, I haven’t been in a relationship since the accident, I know we haven’t talked about it, and we need to, but I haven’t been ready. Ready to open my heart fully, completely, with you. I am forty six years old, Marti, and I am terrified of getting hurt.”
He reached his hand to her face, caressing her cheek. “When I met you at the café, I felt something, I didn’t even know you, had no idea if you were a good girl or a bad girl. I didn’t know why, but something inside kept telling me to talk to you. I am a very private man, I was nervous, I felt like a small child. So I thought I’d give it a go.”
He laughed before continuing. “When we were in Vegas, the crazy ass kid inside me wanted to come out, come out and play with you. Marti, you have a child in you that is fun, alive, and you made me come alive, laughing and drinking like college kids. I didn’t care who was watching or what I did. I haven’t had that feeling in years. I’ve been scared, Princesa. Scared. For years.” He took a breath and sighed, shaking his head. “I love you, I don’t want to be scared anymore, I don’t want to ever feel like that again.”
Putting her hands to his face, she smiled, her eyes were wet and her heart was full. In that moment, she had never loved anyone as much as she loved him. Her heart felt like it was going to burst open and butterflies were going to float out. “I’m speechless.” As she just stared into his eyes. No one had ever trusted her with their feelings like he just did, and she didn’t know what to say. “Oh honey, I love you. I’m here, kid and all.”
He wrapped his hand around the back of her head; his other hand snaked around down to her butt. His soft lips brushed against hers. She giggled and whispered, kissing her so fervently, she could feel the twinge in her loins
“Nick, ”she breathed, “You’re making me crazy…”
“You make me crazy, Peach, And I love you, with all my heart and soul, I love you.”
Chapter 14
It was early Christmas morning. He ran his hands through her hair, urging, “Come on Princesa, let’s go to the ranch and see what’s going on.” She peeked up at him from under the sheets, raising an eyebrow, her fingers wrapped around his shaft. “Not until I give you your Christmas present.” She leaned down and swirled her tongue around the tip of his luscious dick, just before sucking it into her mouth.
He tangled his fingers in her hair, holding onto her tightly. His hips started to pump wildly and she sucked mercilessly until she felt his ass flex, his cock expand. With a controlled moan, “Ahhh…Diosito…,” his cum burst out of him. She took it all, steadily stroking, licking and sucking until every last drop was sucked out of him and into her belly.
“Hija, you amaze me.” He stroked her hair, his heart pounding in his chest. She rose up and slid in next to him. Caressing his chest. tracing circles around his nipple. He exhaled, “Feliz Navidad, Princesa.”
“Fleas Naughty Dog, honey. Merry Christmas.”
“It’s Na-vi -dad, not Naughty Dog,” he laughed, wrapping his arm around her back and lifting her on top of him. A sly smile slid across his face as he grabbed her hips and settled her ass on his chest. “Now where’s my breakfast?” he crooned, plunging his tongue into her wet folds.
“Ahhh, shit, honey, I didn’t exp - oh, fuck that feels good.” Her hips moved in circles, gently grinding her pussy on his face. Grabbing the headboard to steady herself, her boobs bounced as his tongue lapped at her sweet sex.
He slid his hand around her thigh to hold her steady while his other hand trailed up her belly and found her nipple, rolling it between his fingers. She quivered, feeling a luscious orgasm building up inside her. Her clit vibrated with his touch. Wrapping his lips around it, flicking it with his tongue, she squirmed to the point he was forced to grab her ass to keep her firmly planted on his eager mouth. His finger slid into her folds from behind, lightly stroking her butt crack as his fingers moved in to caress her lips.
“Nick, honey...honey,” He spread her lips and licked so passionately, her orgasm came in a wild rush as she ground her pussy hard into his face, his tongue lapping furiously at the nectar seeping out of her.
Gradually, Nick slowed the pace as he felt the waves of her climax begin to subside, her sweet wetness running down his chin.
“God, I need a shower.” She ran her fingers through her hair, getting stuck in the curls. “I probably look like the wicked witch of the west.”
He smirked, looking up at her. “You are actually very beautiful this morning”
“That’s ‘cause you got pussy in your eyes and you can’t see.” She got up off his chest and headed to the bathroom. Turning to him, she winked, “You gonna join me?”
With a crooked smile, he raised his eyebrows. “Wouldn’t miss that for the world.” He stood up, his cock already perking up again. Marti was in awe at how well he could handle her, he was almost twenty years her senior, but that didn’t seem to hurt his libido, he was like a horny teenager.
The water heated up and she stepped into the shower, he followed her, caressing her wet hips as she squeezed the body wash into the pouf. The scent of Christmas berries filled the air. Marti giggled “You’re gonna smell like me.” As she gently moved the pouf up and down his chest.
His hand slowly reached around her head, pulling her into him, she looked up at him, the water running down her face.
“I love you,” she whispered.
He bent down to her, his lips lightly caressed her mouth; she shivered as she parted her lips, greedily sucking his breath into hers. His tongue slid inside, hungrily searching for hers. With her hands around his waist, she tickled his back, sliding down to his ass, and back up again.
He slowly moved his hand down to her fleshy ass cheek and squeezed, his other hand slid up to her breast. With the water beating down on their bodies, he lowered himself to his knees, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck as his mouth reached her breast. He lightly nipped before he licked the wet nipple and sucked it into his mouth.
A quiver ignited her body and she held onto his broad shoulders, falling back onto the shower wall as he kneaded her ass cheek. Sliding his hand along the cleft and between her thighs down to her folds, inserting his finger between them, finding her pussy wet and slippery.
“Ohhh…Nick,” she whispered.
He looked up at her and pulled her nipple lightly with his teeth, her eyes met his and she had a slight smile on her face. He let go of her tender nipple and rose up to her, lifting her by her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his ass as he gently, slowly impaled her onto his cock. Marti inhaled, smelling the scent of the berry wash on him as he started pumping his hips against her.
They rocked, he held her tight. His mouth sucking and kissing her neck. He had all the control of the rocking, she was holding on to him as he slid into her and then withdrew almost all the way out and then thrust his manhood back inside. She loved being pinned to the wall, nowhere to go, just feeling his hardness pounding into her, the base of his cock gently thrumming her clit. There were no words to describe how she felt. It was like a dream.
Her arms clenched tighter around his neck, biting down on his shoulder as her orgasm crashed through her body. The sensation of her pussy clenching on his shaft brought on his orgasm as well. With a moan, he grabbed her tight and thrust into her, letting out a stream of hot cum. She quivered and shook as her orgasm rushed through her body.
He kissed her, whispering between breaths, “Merry Christmas, Princesa, I love you, I love you, I love you.”
They stood there for a moment, catching their breat
h, finally letting go. She looked at him with hooded eyes. “Honey, we’ve got to go to the ranch.”
“I know,” he whispered, “I just can’t let you go.” “Me, either but I think we have to.” She giggled.
He let her down and they quickly finished up their shower, their bodies spent. They needed to regain some sort of composure. It was Christmas, after all.
After a bit, they finally bundled up and drove to the ranch. The night had been a long one of intimate conversation and love making. Marti was happy. Finally content in her life, that she had made the right decision and excited to tell her friends about their new house and that they were going to stay in Mountain View.
When they got to the house, they found it filled with the aroma of pine and cinnamon, the tree was lit up and Christmas music softly playing, Annie and Lupita were in the kitchen making brunch for the whole bunch. Marti rushed to the kitchen to help as the men stood around laughing and joking about the flight.
“This is a bloody fine house.” After the drive of the day before and meeting Tommy and Annie, Luke was not sure what to expect when he woke up. “Sure beats the apartments at Harvard.”
Tommy laughed, “Yes, it’s a mighty fine house, built back in the 1800’s, Annie has done an amazing job with it. How long are y’all staying? You know you are staying here, right?”
A yell came from the kitchen. “No we ain’t! I got a new house for Christmas and y’all are gonna have to go out there and see it! Y’all are staying with us!”
Nick shook his head, and smiled. He lifted his eyebrows and whispered, “She loves the house, Thank you so much for all your help.”
Tommy chuckled, his deep voice vibrating throughout the living room. “No problem, I’m glad she likes it, I knew she would. Annie had a blast with the furnishings and stocking the pantry. I tell ya, that girl can go nuts spending someone else’s money. She knows Marti better than the rest of us.”
Marti brought out the first tray of scrambled eggs and ham. “Y’all have been so good to me, I want every one of y’all to come to my new house and hang out.”
“Oh, Annie,” she turned to her friend, “You have to see this house; it’s huge and beautiful and so close! God has blessed me with an amazing man,” she sighed, looking at him, mouthing the words, “I love you.”
Mamá followed with the potatoes and grits. Then came the biscuits and sausage gravy. The ladies set all the food up in the formal dining room because it had more room and more chairs. Tommy and the men sat down at the big table, laughing and talking about football and who was going to win that day.
After they all sat around the table, they all bowed their head and Tommy said grace. After the Amen, it was fend for yourself as the lively group talked and laughed as they filled their plates.
Marti lifted her glass of juice “I wanna make a toast!” She smiled. She was a mess, her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, no makeup and her clothes were the ones she had on the day before. Nick looked at her and smiled…. she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She stood silent, her glass in the air.
She looked around the table, a tear welled up in her eye, “Guys,” she looked at Annie and Lupita, “and girls, I just want to make a toast to all of y’all, you are the most amazing family a girl could ever want and need and I love every one of y’all.” She wiped a tear and looked down at Nick sitting next to her. “Honey, I love you. I need you. I know things have been hard at home. I know it’s my fault. I love you. Now...more than ever.” She chuckled. “I know it’s sad that we all had to go through hell to make me see it.”
“Hija, don’t…” He stood up and held her, a tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it with her hand, sniffing. After a moment, she continued, “You see honey, I didn’t realize how wonderful you are, I got caught up in the bright city lights. I’ve never met my knight in shining armor, until I met you. I didn’t know what to do. I got scared. I didn’t realize that everything I had been looking for in my life is right here with you.” She took a deep breath and caressed his face. She leaned up and kissed his cheek gently and smiled.
“The night I left, I was so hurt and ashamed of what I had become; it was like I was a freakin’ lunatic. A fucking crazy woman just to get your attention and I thought if I left, you would see what you lost and tell Ellie to go to hell. Oh, Ellie,” she grinned, “such a beautiful lady with such an ugly personality. God bless her. Anyway, I just wanted to tell all of y’all,” she looked at all the faces around the table, “You too, Jimmy” she smiled and nodded towards Luke, “and Luke, I’m sorry. I am going to be the Marti y’all know and love. I have my prince, I have my family.” She smiled at Lupita and lifted her glass. “and I have a new home. One where my baby and I can have our own babies.”
“Hey now!” Tommy chortled. They all laughed.
“Come on, Marti! We’re starvin’!”
They lifted their glasses and clinked, “To family”. Marti sat down and looked around the table. Her heart was filled with something she had been missing for a long time. She turned to Nick. “Honey, I love you.”
He held her tight, an embrace only meant for soul mates and lovers. And they were both. “I love you too.” He breathed, his heart finally open to love.
Brunch went on for the whole morning and into the afternoon. They ate, they talked, they laughed. It felt like a real family. Not a mish mash of different people from different backgrounds or even different places, but a real family. Even Luke piped in his fresh ideas every now and then.
They talked about the twelve hour ride, Vargas, L.A., and Jimmy’s job as the driver, how he got his job on a scholarship after his mama passed away. All the good things in life they were thankful for and Luke said he hoped to be at least half the employee that Jimmy was. He and Nick had even bigger dreams for Vargas International.
After their tummies were full and the dishes were washed up, Annie called from the living room “Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas y’all! Come see what Santa brought!”
They all hurried to the front room, and sat around the tree, the music was playing and Marti handed everyone a small gift, “Merry Christmas y’all! Open ‘em , open ‘em!” She got Annie a new Panini maker, and for Tommy, she got him a new shirt to replace the one she borrowed. Luke opened a small box with a very expensive pen set for his new job and for Jimmy; he got a brand new uniform, custom made Armani. She wasn’t sure what to get Lupita, and when she opened her gift, Lupita screamed. Inside the box were two-carat diamond earrings, Marti turned to her and said, “to match your smile, Mamá.” Annie chortled in “Hey, love birds, I hear Santa was real good to you.”
“Santa is amazing! You have to go see our house, you are gonna love it!” she grabbed his hand with both of hers and turned to him with a big smile on her face, her eyes were sparkling brighter than the Christmas tree. She pulled a small box out of her pocket and gave it to him. “Merry Christmas, honey.” He opened the box and inside was a set of real wedding rings, “Oh Marti,” he hugged her tight “I love you, angel.”
“Look inside, look!” as she pulled a ring out of the small box. Inside was engraved ‘Nicholas and Martha Para Siempre’ she smiled a crooked smile and winked, “Your mama helped me out.”
Nick raised his glass in a toast. His eyes welled up with tears. “New house, new friends, new beginnings. God bless us all!” His thumb traced along her cheek, “I’m all yours, Peach. From now until death do us part. Para siempre.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“God! Yes….fuck….fuck me!” Marti cried as he thrust his cock deep inside her. She was on her knees on the floor, with her head and arms thrown across the bed. He smacked her round ass, grabbing her hips and thrusting again. She panted. “Fuuuccckk” her voice vibrating as he pounded into her. He reached around her swollen tummy and felt for her heavy breast, palming her nipple and squeezing and massaging the overly abundant pregnant boob.
“Pinch my nipples, honey, God that feels so good…pull it! Yes!
” she groaned. “ that!” His other hand snaked down around her thigh, his fingers thrumming her clit while he pounded into her. “Nick, oh God Nick, fuck…fuck me,” the words came out in heated bursts as her pregnant body shook and burst into yet another orgasm, he grabbed her hips and with one final thrust, his cock shot another stream of hot, milky cum deep inside her. His body shuddering for the fourth time that day.
He fell across her, their bodies covered in sweat, “Hija, you’re killing me.”
“I know,” she panted, barely audible, “but it feels so fucking good.” She moaned, catching her breath. “Help me up, I want some ice cream.” He slid his dick out of her and placed his hands under her arms to help her stand up. Caressing her swollen tummy, he bent down and kissed it saying something in Spanish. “You know these little boys can hear me?”
“The girls can hear you.” She smiled. “I know these babies are girls ‘cause I am so fucking horny all the time and if they were little men, they would have spit you out!” She laughed, tracing his cheek with her finger.
“You’re right about that. You are killing me with this love making. I am going to have to take more vitamins. I have to keep my esposa linda happy, especially when she is carrying the heirs to the Vargas fortune.” He smiled; she hated it when he talked about that. But she also knew their babies would be taken care of.
The last eight months in Mountain View with Nick had been incredible. Luke had been promoted to CEO of Vargas International and the company was now generating billions of dollars a year. One of his perks was he got to live in the mansion in Memphis with Jimmy and the help. He was happy, he also found a fiancé.
Nick did the little bit of work he needed to do from their new house over the phone and the internet and Marti piddled around at Marti’s Fresh Market, old Mr. Robinsons Grocery Store that Nick had bought her for her birthday. Luke came down to set everything up once it was remodeled and then they hired a really good store manager to run it…Mr. Robinson, III.