Saddled On The Cowboy Page 15
“Please,” he said in a quiet voice. Just the eerie tone of his voice was enough for her to feel an anxious churning in her stomach. Get a hold of yourself, she thought, as she waited for him to speak.
Vic dove right into his reason for the call. “Look, Annie. I totally understand, and I apologize for being such an ass. I’m calling about the part, we haven’t been able to cast it yet and shooting starts next month in Hawaii.” He cleared his throat, “I’m calling you on behalf of the director. He wants you to come in for another audition.”
Annie was speechless. Hawaii? Her head was spinning and after a second, she realized that he was still talking.
“I know it‘s short notice, but if you could make it tonight, we would be truly grateful.”
Annie gulped. “W – w - what? Audition? Hawaii?”
He repeated the request, more urgently now. “Yes, Annabelle. I’m calling to ask you to come back in.”
This time, Annie squealed in excitement. She couldn’t believe it. Without another thought she said, “Great! Where and when? I’ll totally be there.”
She heard him laughing as he repeated the details and told her what to bring to the audition. She furiously dug in her purse for a pen and wrote everything out on her palm.
She felt giddy at this unexpected turn of events and it took her a moment to get into gear again. She’d have to rush if she was going to be ready in time for the evening appointment and it was a stroke of luck that she didn’t have to work that night. She texted Daveed, Rossen just called...callbacks yay!
Daveed: you go girl!
Annie: hawaii…
Daveed: hawaii? with rossen?
Annie: no, filming ill holler
Daveed: break a leg :)
She drove up to the studio building, and with her audition notes in her hand, she walked towards the entrance. Butterflies were turning flips in her stomach. It had been a while since she’d had a call-back, and never before for such a prestigious part. She was excited and terrified, all at the same time.
The area around the building was practically deserted, with only a few other cars in the parking lot. She felt uneasy coming back to the scene of her epic failure, but this time would be different, she told herself. This time she would leave with a plane ticket to Hawaii and a chance at top billing.
Several beautiful women wandered through the halls and she assumed they’d all be competing for the same part.
For a brief moment, Annie wondered why Daveed wasn’t there taking charge of the logistics, or at least the other assistant, Gerti. There were less women sitting in the stiff chairs of the waiting room, and at the sound of the buzzer, they took turns entering the inner sanctum, Vic Rossen’s office.
Annie heard doors opening and closing in the hall and she assumed that, after each read, the actresses were leaving through a separate exit. The readings were taking much longer this time and Annie was glad about that as it was a sign that each applicant was being given careful consideration. She knew that she’d be able to blow away the director if she was given a chance to show off her acting ability. Now, she was the last girl waiting for that chance, and at the sound of the buzzer—her signal to enter the office—she gathered her things, took a deep breath and opened the door.
The room was just as large as she’d remembered, and she grew more nervous as she stepped inside. She’d expected to see the director himself sitting at the table, but once again it was just Vicktor Rossen. He had a camera set up beside him, which Annie assumed he’d been using to record the auditions so he could review them at a later time.
He looked up as she walked in and did a quick double take. His smile suddenly lost a little of its’ confidence, and he blushed as he watched her walk toward the table. He cleared his throat and seemed to compose himself before he addressed her.
“Ahh, Annabelle Gibbons. Good to see you again.”
Annie eked out a thin smile. “Yes, sir. It’s good to be here.” That much was true at least. She was thrilled to be back auditioning.
He nodded and cleared his throat again. “Well, we’ll try to keep this professional, yes?”
Annie nodded, “Yes, sir,” she answered as she tried to control her quivering voice. She was relieved that he was, at least, acting like a human being this time—almost polite as he motioned her to come closer. She’d expected him to be pissed that she was here, that the director had asked to see her work again after the humiliating scene at lunch, but he seemed to be taking their meeting in his stride. He smiled a dazzling smile and she wondered why he didn’t act or model for a living with a face like that. He certainly had movie star looks.
“All right then,” he said, and nodded once at the papers in her hands. “Shall we start the audition?”
Annie nodded eagerly as she set the papers down. She took a moment to close her eyes and breathe deeply. She tried to channel her acting coach and recall everything the woman had taught her. She needed to be as real as she could possibly manage—to be the part and simply trust her emotional memory.
Victor gave her no direction and she was a little confused about whether she should act for the camera or for him. In the end, she chose the camera, which made her feel more relaxed. Within moments, she was Kate again, reliving the character’s turbulent life.
When she was done, she slumped over—exhausted from the emotional outpouring she’d just played. Vicktor stopped the camera and made a few notes on his iPad. With his attention diverted, Annie took a long look at him. She admired his broad shoulders, his chiseled jaw, and the long sweeping lashes that accentuated his almond-shaped bedroom eyes. As he focused on the paperwork, he ran his hand through his short hair and ruffled it a little. She found the movement stunningly sexy. When he wasn’t acting like a cocky asshole, he really was one hot piece of man.
In that split-second of exhaustion and watching him, Annie wondered if she should take him up on his offer. Sure, she’d made it to call-backs on her own, but like all actresses trying to break into the trade—she rarely got the part. More than that, she was pretty damn horny all the time these days, and between her time at work and all the auditions she was doing, she hadn’t had much time to date.
Annie worked every available shift at the restaurant to make ends meet which left her too exhausted for the club scene. She started to do the math to see how long it had been since she last got laid, but that was too horrible a thought, even for her. She shook her head and tried to focus.
Vic looked up and Annie took a breath as he trained his eyes on her. “Well, Annie—Annabelle, that was amazing. Thank you very much. I’m glad you came in today.” He cleared his throat and looked away.
Annie liked him this way, a little nervous, a bit unsure—he was even sexier like this. A part of her liked his arrogance, that cock-sure confidence he’d shown before, but now he seemed more approachable. He seemed less like the sort of asshole who’d just screw her and never talk to her again. She took a half step forward and wondered again if she should take him up on his offer. It could definitely make her career. She’d be launched into stardom and become every ounce the super movie star that she’d always dreamed of being. The movie star Daveed had insisted she could become.
Her grandfather would be so proud to realize that his faith and support of her had finally paid off. They wouldn’t even have to drive into Savannah to see it on the big screen. This movie would show right in her hometown of Mountain View. She shook her head and brought herself back into the moment.
“Mr. Rossen,” she said as she took another step forward. “Yes?” He replied as he looked eagerly at her.
“Well, I was just—”
Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with the implications of what she was about to suggest. She couldn’t do it. She wanted the part, but she was a good girl who’d worked hard to get where she was. Annie had never been one to cheat, or take the easy way out, and she just couldn’t bring herself to do it now. If she took him up on the offer, she’d never know if she could have
made it on her own. She’d always doubt whether she really had talent, or if she was just a floozy.
She cleared her throat. “I just wanted to thank you for re-considering me,” she said in a rush as she blushed again. Embarrassed, she grabbed her portfolio and hurried out the door.
Chapter 8
For Annie, auditions were stressful enough, but even worse was the waiting period afterward. If they offered you the part, then you normally heard from them within the next few days, but if they weren’t interested, then you simply heard nothing. Annie was used to hearing nothing and she’d learned to cope by throwing herself into work. The restaurant had just received a glowing review from a food critic and suddenly, now it was every celebrity’s go-to watering hole. Now she had more work than she could handle—albeit it wasn’t what she’d dreamed about, it did pay the bills—and handsomely.
As a result, she’d been promoted to the head of the wait staff and she proved to be very good at her job. She liked to see people have a good time, and she always seemed to know how to make people happy, so they’d think nothing of ordering an expensive bottle of wine to go with their very expensive entree. Her bosses liked her, and so did most of the other servers. These days Annie made the best tips in the house and was always willing to help the others get better tips too.
Most days, Annie didn’t have time to think about anything other than her job and when she wasn’t at work, there were always a thousand chores and errands to fill up her days.
As the weeks passed, Annie realized that she probably wasn’t going to get the part. She’d been so busy at work that she’d lost her focus on acting, but she knew she had to get herself back out there and start auditioning again. It was L.A., after all, and there was a casting call every day. Sure, they might not be parts in a blockbuster movie, but if they were big enough to put another role on her résumé, it was always worth it. Perhaps with enough of them, an agent would take notice and give her some professional backing.
So she started in again, and after a few auditions, she got right back into the rhythm of work and auditioning for roles. Gramps’ condition had stabilized, but he was still in the rehab unit, and after a particularly lucrative week at work, she’d splurged on a trip home to see him. They talked about her career in L.A. and agreed to postpone any decision about her return to Georgia until he was out of the hospital. Once again, he gave her his blessing to pursue her dream, at least for the time being, and just spending a few short days with her beloved grandfather had given her a shot of confidence, and she returned to L.A. with new belief in herself.
As she studied and prepared for her auditions, every now and then she thought about Vic Rossen, and what would’ve happened had she taken him up on his offer to sleep with him. Not just because it might have meant her life and career would have taken off in an instant, but she had to admit, she’d found those big arms and broad shoulders irresistible. And more than once, recalling his sexy accent made her reconsider his proposal.
Of course, even with all that daydreaming, the last thing that she’d ever expected was to run into him in the elevator one morning on her way to an audition. She was leafing through her script when she heard his distinctive accent.
“Twelve please,” he said to a woman. She winked at him seductively before pushing the button for his floor and then hers. Annie would have rolled her eyes, but she was too shocked at seeing him again.
“Mr. Rossen?”
He turned, and a smile slid across his face. “Annabelle Gibbons! How good to see you.”
Annie blushed. “You too,” she murmured. She was surprised that he’d remembered her and felt a tingle when she heard his sexy accent.
He smiled, and she watched his eyes move up and down her body in the same way he’d done on her first audition. When his eyes met hers again, she was all but breathless from the intensity of his gaze.
“Are you off to another audition?”
She nodded and then shrugged. There was no reason for her to get all fluttery when a stud like Vic Rossen eyed her up. “Yeah, a toothpaste commercial.” She grinned at him. “Of course, it’s not a big movie, but hey, it’s work.” She wondered if she should mention the call-back and ask if the role had been cast yet.
Then she saw his eyes once again as they traveled down her body. The elevator bell dinged, and he glanced back at it. “This is my floor,” he said. “Do you have time to stop by for a cup of coffee?”
Annie stepped forward before her brain had finished thinking. Why am I going with him? What do I hope to gain?
With a mental shake, she told herself that she’d simply have cup of coffee, find out if the role had been cast, and then leave.
The elevator doors closed behind them, sealing her fate and she followed Vic down a low lit hallway to an unfamiliar suite with Vic Rossen Associates on the door. The offices appeared very professional, with a few people arguing into their phones or at their computers. Daveed had told her about the office. It was plush, and was a madhouse run by a mad man. The carpet was thick and the furniture looked rich. Vic led her to a big corner office and held open the door for her to enter.
“I’ve been thinking about you,” he said, and his hand slid across her back as he ushered her into the room. He shut the door behind them.
Annie tilted her head slightly. “Well, thank you.”
His hand lingered a little longer than Annie thought necessary, and a shiver ran down her spine. She realized she had a love/hate relationship with how he made her feel. She loved and hated his arrogance. She loved and hated how her breath stopped when she looked at him, or stood near him.
Focus, she chastised herself, and dragged her eyes away from him. She was here for coffee and confirmation that she was still being considered for the film set to go into production in Hawaii. Nothing else.
She needed to separate herself from his intense presence as much as possible and she searched for a chair. There were none, only loungers and couches dotted around the room, and she instinctively knew to avoid those. Instead, she perched on the edge of the desk.
Vic made coffee from an instant espresso machine. “Sugar? Cream?” he asked.
“Sure,” she said. She wished she could just relax.
The office smelled strongly of his cologne, which was a light sandalwood and musk blend. Her body was reacting to it, to his nearness. Focus wasn’t the thing winning this battle in her mind or her body.
With two mugs of fresh coffee in his hands, he came closer, stopping only when the toe of his shoe met hers. With a grin, he placed the mug in her hands, and she gratefully wrapped them around its warmth.
Following her lead, he leaned next to her against the desk. His arm brushed hers, a solid mass of muscle beneath the light blue fabric of his shirt.
“You know,” he said, his voice sultry and low, “You really did blow me and the director away with your audition. You were very good, very professional.”
Annie blushed and took a sip of her coffee to compose herself. This was going much better than she’d expected and she waited for him to speak again.
He paused—his hand reached down and picked some invisible piece of lint from his designer jeans. As he did so, his fingers lightly brushed her thigh and she shuddered, looking over at his handsome face. God, he’s hot. What would it hurt? Me? I’ve got this!
He continued, “Of course, there were so many girls that auditioned for the part, I didn’t want him to become…what’s the word….distracted? Or for him to forget about you with so many other candidates up for the part.”
It was exactly what Annie had feared. A good audition never meant anything if it got lost in the middle of hundreds of equally good auditions. Vicktor’s hand slid over to rest gently on her thigh and a little shiver ran up her leg.
“But,” he said, his eyebrow lifting a little, “I would be more than happy to remind him of your superb performance. You deserve his full attention.”
Annie took another sip. A part of her was expecting thi
s— another attempt to get into her panties, and although she’d promised herself that would never happen—she felt her resolve slipping away. She wanted him, it was a simple as that— and it wasn’t only about the part—it was also about the clenching deep inside her every time he spoke.
“You’d do that? For me?” With all of the courage and gumption she could muster, she dared look into his piercing eyes. He slid off the desk and stood in front of her. His leg pressed between her thighs, and she gasped, not only in surprise but in pleasure as well.
“Of course, Annie. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with you.”
She took a deep breath and lost herself in his soft touch as he ran his finger down her cheek. “Oh,” was all she could say.
Without another word, he took the mug from her hand and set it on the desk, then leaned in and pressed his mouth against hers. Her mouth opened to meet his and a little moan escaped her lips. His hand travelled further up her body, slid around to her ass, and pulled her toward him. She didn’t resist—she wanted this as much as he did, her hands slowly slid down, seeking out the hardness of his chest. He pulled in tight against her and ground his hips into her as his mouth moved over her jaw to the sweet spot on her neck. She gasped as his lips caressed her, followed by a little nip to her flesh.
Instinctively, she wrapped her leg around his firm ass and moaned as she felt her pussy clench with desire. His hands worked up her side and slipped under her silk shirt to press hot against her bare skin. She leaned into him, her body trembling, loving how his lightly calloused palms felt on her flesh. She tugged at his shirt, wanting desperately to rip it from his beautiful body. He leaned back and her fingers pranced down his shirt, releasing each button in turn.
Sliding it off of his shoulders, he looked even sexier. His body was tanned, and the silky hair on his chest was light, the same color as his sun-kissed blonde hair. His hand caught in a sleeve, and she watched his muscles dance and move as he struggled to free himself. She leaned in, pressing her face to the center of his chest, smelling the soft musk of his cologne and his body’s unique scent.